Quando usavo #GNOME installavo 4-5 app di #KDE che trovavo insostituibili, tanto che alla fine sono passato direttamente a KDE. Tuttavia una app GNOME che continuo ad usare e per cui non ho trovato alternative, è #Disks (Dischi, in italiano). Per salvare/ripristinare immagini su Pendrive/SD e/o formattarle è la più comoda e funzionale che abbia trovato.
e come sapete non faccio spesso complimenti a GNOME 🙃
I was battling today with errors on a USB stick, until I realised that Gnome Disks does a far better job in repairs than GParted. Go figure.
#linux #ubuntu #bad #sectors #usb #disks #gparted #stick #thump #drive #corrupt #gnome
#linux #ubuntu #bad #sectors #usb #disks #gparted #stick #thump #drive #corrupt #gnome
#Disks, #spikes and #clouds: A peek into a #blackhole's back yard
#disks #spikes #clouds #BlackHole
Per fare cose di fretta, ho eliminato per errore una parte del disco del #PC. Ma la colpa non è solo mia: il programma che ho usato è disegnato male.
...Leggi il post intero:
#blogoctt #sitoctt #ImportVecchiPost #Blog #Tecnologia #Linux #GNULinux #Desktop #DesktopLinux #UNIX #GParted #GNOME #GnomeDisks #Disks #GTK3 #GTK2 #Partizioni #Partizionamento #Partitions #Partitioning #Incident #Incidente #Sysadmin #Admin #Amministrazione #UI #UX #UserInterface #UserExperience
#pc #blogoctt #sitoctt #importvecchipost #blog #tecnologia #linux #gnulinux #desktop #desktoplinux #unix #gparted #gnome #gnomedisks #disks #gtk3 #gtk2 #partizioni #partizionamento #partitions #partitioning #incident #incidente #sysadmin #admin #amministrazione #ui #ux #userinterface #userexperience
#JWST reveals the #chemistry of #disks around #youngstars where #rockyplanets form
#jwst #chemistry #disks #youngstars #rockyplanets
The Slide Canon Disk adapter is used to assist help knock down aerial enemies. It has the ability to generate a low level force-field and redirect energy back at the attacker. #transformers #gobots #robots #zapbots #disks #80s #cartoons #comics #retro
#transformers #gobots #robots #zapbots #disks #80s #cartoons #comics #retro
One important and often overlooked aspect of cybersecurity is proper disposal of electronic devices. When it's time to get rid of an old device, simply deleting files or formatting the hard drive may not be enough to prevent sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands.
A little-known tip to ensure proper disposal of electronic devices is to physically destroy the device's storage media.
#Mastodon #Tech #CyberSecurity #opsec #Linux #disks #Digital #cloud #MrRobot
#mrrobot #Cloud #Digital #disks #Linux #opsec #CyberSecurity #Tech #Mastodon
Learn how to use Linux's Logical Volume Manager https://www.admin-magazine.com/News/How-to-Add-a-New-LVM-Volume-in-Linux #Linux #LVM #configuration #OpenSource #FOSS #framework #disks #volume
#linux #lvm #configuration #opensource #foss #framework #disks #volume
A surprising number of industries, from embroidery to aviation, still use #floppy #disks. But the supply is finally running out https://www.wired.com/story/why-the-floppy-disk-just-wont-die/ < Read between the lines, definitively a business opportunity!
"Backblaze Drive Stats for 2022": https://www.backblaze.com/blog/backblaze-drive-stats-for-2022/
all the details you could want about the lifetime of #disks. and I need to remember the name "bathtub curve" for drive failures
Backblaze has published their annual drive stats report for last year. They saw a slight increase in annualized failure rate (AFR) from 1.01% in 2021 to 1.37% in 2022, mostly concentrated in their older and smaller drives. Seagate drives continue to exhibit higher AFRs compared to other manufacturers but still remain cost-effective when considering lifecycle cost.
#Backblaze #Backup #Storage #Server #Drive #Data #HardDrive #Disks #Stats #Analysis #Report
#backblaze #backup #storage #server #drive #data #harddrive #disks #stats #analysis #report
Referenced link: https://hothardware.com/news/huge-capacity-hdds-shine-storage-reliability-report-caveat
Originally posted by Backblaze / @backblaze@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/HotHardware/status/1620443298778284032#m
RT by @backblaze: The folks at @backblaze deliver incredible insight into #HDD reliability metrics with a #samplesize now spanning more than 230,000 #disks.
How much gas is present in #disks around young #stars that may form new #planets? Finding the answer by observation is often difficult and relies on assumptions about the abundance ratios of gases.
#MPIA scientist Takahiro Ueda and astronomers from #Japan have developed a new method that allowed them to infer the amount of gas directly from their measurements.
#disks #stars #planets #mpia #japan
For those folks who want to write images back to floppies for their Atari ST..I wrote-up a quick how-to using Kyroflux and HxC2001. #atarist #retrocomputing #disks :revblobfoxcomputerowo:
#atarist #retrocomputing #disks
Happy Hanukkah! 🕎
A few weeks ago, I shared the lost 1980 #games and #software of Israeli cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen, recovered from old floppy #disks. 💾
The collection includes ten games, demos, and experiments in artificial personality and artificial creativity developed for the Apple II, Atari ST, Amiga and IBM PC from 1983-1989.
Download them and try them for the holidays!
#atari #atarist #ibmpc #amiga #appleii #digipres #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing
#vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #digipres #appleii #amiga #ibmpc #atarist #atari #disks #software #games
Today, Yaakov Kirschen published a cartoon in appreciation of my work to recover his long-lost software for the Apple II, Atari ST, and IBM PC.
#digipres #software #disks #atarist #appleii #breakintochat #kirschen #games #retrocomputing
#retrocomputing #games #kirschen #breakintochat #appleii #atarist #disks #software #digipres
@Finselbix brauchst Du noch welche, ich glaube, ich habe irgendwo auch noch ein paar... 😁
#disketten #disks #retro
need advice on an android app to catalog several paper #books and optical #disks.
so, last saturday i ended up with two copies of «sky caprain and the world of tomorrow» on blu-ray simply because i did not remember i already had one. time to find a way to have a catalog of my books and disks on my phone. unfortunately, i'll rather have tla third copy if the same movie than use some proprietary cloud app :-/
any good suggestions for #android out there?