Gizmodo: Disney Teases Encanto & Ahsoka Plans for Theme Parks #entertainmentculture #starwarscelebration #disneylandparis #scotttrowbridge #starwarsfandom #darthvader #treeoflife #lightsaber #nickwilde #imagineer #judyhopps #starwars #ahsoka #josh
#entertainmentculture #starwarscelebration #disneylandparis #scotttrowbridge #starwarsfandom #darthvader #treeoflife #lightsaber #nickwilde #imagineer #judyhopps #starwars #ahsoka #josh
Wir fahren heute wirklich ins #disneylandparis
Also eigentlich fahren wir heute nach Paris und Donnerstag und Freitag ins Disneyland 😂
Ansonsten lief die letze Woche so gut wie alles schief.
Blitzeinschlag- DSL Router und Radio kaputt
Meine Umschulung verschiebt sich auf nächstes Jahr
Am See hingefallen- sämtliche blaue Flecken
Streit mir einer „Freundin“
Nächtliche Alpträume werden zunehmend verstörend
Die letze Traumatherapie Stunde hat mich mental zerfetzt.
Probleme mit Papa
Aber, der Ausflug ins #disneylandparis nächste Woche, macht so ziemlich alles wieder gut😂
@ThMorgenroth 😘😘😘
Disneyland Paris last year. I love Disney, it is the happiest place on earth
#disney #disneylandparis #thehappiestplaceonearth #picoftheday #photooftheday #pictureoftheday
#pictureoftheday #photooftheday #picoftheday #thehappiestplaceonearth #disneylandparis #disney
Aaaaa I'm just so happy this has been well received, the directors Arnaud Feredj and Matthieu Robin are so nice to work with and they had to put this show together very quickly! #DisneylandParis #Pixar #Imagineering
#disneylandparis #Pixar #imagineering
This show I worked on, "Together" just had its press premiere event on the weekend 🤓 💙
"What if Disneyland Paris' best attraction was actually a show?" #DisneylandParis #Pixar #Imagineering
#disneylandparis #Pixar #imagineering
Just finished our first ever visit to Disneyland Paris. What a wonderful place. #DisneylandParis #DisneyParks
OK, OK, one more, for now anyway...... kinda disappointed that #Disney have done #TheHauntedMansion 'cos, yeah, it has to be young 'un friendly.
Would be awesome to get an incredibly evil, dark and sinister #Movie that tied in #DisneylandParis' #ThePhantomManor and #BigThunderRailroad instead. When I say dark, I mean shit scarily dark here.
That aside I *am* looking forwards to 'The Haunted Mansion' movie.
#RavenswoodManor #ThunderMesa #BigThunderMiningCompany #HenryRavenswood #MelanieRavenswood #MadameLeota #RapOnATableItsTimeToRespond #Horror #GhostStory #Movies
#disney #thehauntedmansion #movie #disneylandparis #thephantommanor #bigthunderrailroad #ravenswoodmanor #thundermesa #bigthunderminingcompany #henryravenswood #melanieravenswood #madameleota #raponatableitstimetorespond #horror #ghoststory #Movies
Construction photo of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Disneyland Paris (then known as Euro Disney) prior to the park opening. The roller coaster was manufactured by Vekoma.
📸 | c. 1991
#ThemeParks #RollerCoasters #BTMR #Disney #Disneyland #DisneylandParis #Vekoma #Coasters #DLP
#themeparks #rollercoasters #btmr #disney #disneyland #disneylandparis #vekoma #coasters #dlp
After the long flights and significant financial investment, you may be tempted to skip a simple walk through attraction, especially in the shadow of a marque E-Ticket. The truth is, Les Mystères du Nautilus makes your visit better. So happy that #Imagineering made this refurb happen.
#imagineering #dlp #disneylandparis #DisneyParks
Adieu Mickey Mouse: #Eurostar’s shrinking ambitions seven years on from the #Brexit vote
When the #ChannelTunnel first opened there were visions of seamless pan-European travel from the UK. Now the #DisneylandParis route has been axed and the Amsterdam route delayed, what went wrong? #Rail #BrexitBonus #ToryPoliciesInAction
#torypoliciesinaction #BrexitBonus #rail #disneylandparis #channeltunnel #brexit #eurostar
#WDW was fine, but am I itching to go back? #DLP on the other hand.
#disneyland #disneylandparis #disneyparks
#wdw #dlp #disneyland #disneylandparis #DisneyParks
A bit more info on a show I've been helping on! Together: A Pixar Musical Adventure at #DisneylandParis
#Pixar #Imagineering
#disneylandparis #Pixar #imagineering
Quelle image magnifique ! 🤭
#grevegenerale #Eurodisney #DisneylandParis
✊ 😡
#grevegenerale #eurodisney #disneylandparis
🔴 Le ton se durcit chez #DisneylandParis.
Les grévistes bloquent actuellement l'accès des visiteurs au parc.
Pour rappel, les salariés exigent une revalorisation des revenus de 200€ (net) et le doublement de la rémunération du dimanche, entres autres.
Anonyme Citoyen @anonymecitoyen
Des tensions éclatent à Disneyland Paris entre la sécurité et les salariés en grève. Les Cast-Members réussissent à envahir le Walt Disney Studios #DisneylandParis #greveDisney
La grève se poursuit à #DisneylandParis, des tensions en marge des manifestations ce samedi
💥"Malgré de bons résultats financiers, la direction de #DisneylandParis refuse l'ouverture des négociations avec l'intersyndicale & multiplie les atteintes au droit de grève"
Soutient aux grévistes qui demandent la revalorisation de leurs salaires!✊💪
Neuer Beitrag im Blog der "EXPEDITION R" mit dem Titel: "Freizeitpark Check 2023: Das sind die besten Freizeitparks in Europa"
#Ausflugsziele #Dnemark #Deutschland #Europa #Finnland #Frankreich #Freizeitparks #Grobritannien #Italien #Schweden #Spanien #Churpfalzpark #DisneylandParis #Efteling #ErlebnisparkTripsdrill #EuropaPark #FraispertuisCity #FreizeitparkTraumlandAufDerBrenhhle #Gardala
#Ausflugsziele #dnemark #deutschland #europa #finnland #frankreich #freizeitparks #grobritannien #Italien #schweden #spanien #churpfalzpark #disneylandparis #Efteling #erlebnisparktripsdrill #EuropaPark #fraispertuiscity #freizeitparktraumlandaufderbrenhhle #gardala