And the last one ! Mulan 😋
#mastoart #mermay #disneymermaid #mermaychallenge #creativetoot #mulan
#mulan #creativetoot #mermaychallenge #disneymermaid #mermay #MastoArt
Kidagakash "Kida" Nedakh is here !
#mastoart #mermay #disneymermaid #mermaychallenge #creativetoot
#kida #atlantis
#atlantis #kida #creativetoot #mermaychallenge #disneymermaid #mermay #MastoArt
♪ The queen of the Ice and Snow ♪ :da_bounce:
As a mermaid she can easily live in the ice sea and creta iceberg ❄
I was a little disappointed about the second film. 🤔
And you, did you like Frozen 2 ?
#mastoart #mermay #disneymermaid #mermaychallenge #creativetoot #toystory #frozenfanart #elsafanart #elsa
#elsa #elsafanart #frozenfanart #toystory #creativetoot #mermaychallenge #disneymermaid #mermay #MastoArt
It was kind of a mess to draw all her hair !!... 😭
But in other hand that's my favorite part 😜
#mastoart #mermay #disneymermaid #mermaychallenge #creativetoot #toystory #rapunzelfanart #tangled #rapunzel #raiponce
#raiponce #rapunzel #tangled #rapunzelfanart #toystory #creativetoot #mermaychallenge #disneymermaid #mermay #MastoArt
Today Bo Peep is here !
To be honest, I didn't love the last Toy Story...
The third is the perfect end to the saga.
What do you think ?
#mastoart #mermay #disneymermaid #mermaychallenge #creativetoot #toystory #toystoryfanart #bopeep #bopeepfanart
#bopeepfanart #bopeep #toystoryfanart #toystory #creativetoot #mermaychallenge #disneymermaid #mermay #MastoArt
Oh I forget to share the silhouette yesterday...
Well, what's the point 'cause she's finally here : Megara !
#mastoart #mermay #disneymermaid #megara #megarafanart #creativetoot #mermaychallenge
#mermaychallenge #creativetoot #megarafanart #megara #disneymermaid #mermay #MastoArt
Jessica Rabbit is in the place !
#mastoart #mermay #disneymermaid #jessicarabbit #creativetoot #mermaychallenge
#mermaychallenge #creativetoot #jessicarabbit #disneymermaid #mermay #MastoArt
Let's make a place to Belle reading under the sea =D
Next mermaid friday 😋 She will be more glamourous !
#mastoart #mermay #disneymermaid #snowwhitefanart #creativetoot #mermaychallenge
#mermaychallenge #creativetoot #snowwhitefanart #disneymermaid #mermay #MastoArt
Tomorrow a new mermaid will appear.
Can you guess who is she?
#mermay #mermaychallenge #disneymermaid
#disneymermaid #mermaychallenge #mermay
So today is Snow-White time (of course...).
See you tuesday for a new character.
Who will she be ? 😜
#mastoart #mermay #disneymermaid #snowwhitefanart #creativetoot #mermaychallenge
#mermaychallenge #creativetoot #snowwhitefanart #disneymermaid #mermay #MastoArt