A powerful essay on body acceptance and self-love by @OliviaWrites for Scary Mommy
CN for #DisorderedEating / #EatingDisorders
#eatingdisorders #disorderedeating
I found this particular resource very helpful whenever I have no #appetite, struggling with #nausea, or #FoodRepulsion.
#DisorderedEating #EatingDisorder #EatingDisorders #MentalIllness #MentalIllnesses #MentalHealth #BoringSelfCare #SelfCare #SelfCareTip #SelfCareTips
#appetite #nausea #foodrepulsion #disorderedeating #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorders #MentalIllness #mentalillnesses #mentalhealth #boringselfcare #selfcare #selfcaretip #selfcaretips
"Shame is never motivating and what we eat is not a cipher for morality"
Brilliant article by Rebecca Seal about eating, fear of fatness, inequality, and the toxic culture of moralising people's food, health, and bodies. Spot on analysis 🎯
#intuitiveeating #food #dietculture #dietsdontwork #HAES #HealthAtAnySize #allbodiesarebeautiful #foodpolitics #advertising #marketing #toxicdietculture #disorderedeating
#disorderedeating #toxicdietculture #marketing #advertising #foodpolitics #allbodiesarebeautiful #healthatanysize #haes #dietsdontwork #dietculture #food #intuitiveeating
Safety is Required for Wellness
CW: This podcast episode mentions within the context of needing safety in all aspects of our lives the topics of: restrictive eating, diet plans (like Weight Watchers), physical safety, physical assault, and sexual harassment and assault.
This episode is very close to my heart and
#PodcastEpisodes #cPTSD #disorderedeating #emotionalsafety #gendersafety #physicalsafety #safety #worksafety
#PodcastEpisodes #cptsd #disorderedeating #emotionalsafety #gendersafety #physicalsafety #safety #worksafety
RT @IntJEatDisord
Day 7 #Disorderedeating and #eatingdisorders in #Athletes see this article featuring @CheriLev @jasonmnagata Abby Olcott article @runnersworld talking about #research in this area #eatingdisorderwarenessweek https://twitter.com/uofleatlab/status/1631764861716684807
#disorderedeating #eatingdisorders #athletes #research #eatingdisorderwarenessweek
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Off-Label Ozempic Usage Is Fueling Our Culture of Disordered Eating https://jezebel.com/ozempic-weight-loss-eating-disorders-1850178694 #Jezebel #nationaleatingdisordersassociation #health2cmedical2cpharma #hospitality2crecreation #antidiabeticmedication #abnormalpsychology #disorderedeating #eatingdisorders #anorexianervosa #abbyrosemorris #humanbehavior #tracyturnblad #meghanmccain #socialissues #zoc3abwitt #physiology #psychiatry #kimdennis #nbc
#jezebel #nationaleatingdisordersassociation #health2cmedical2cpharma #hospitality2crecreation #antidiabeticmedication #abnormalpsychology #disorderedeating #eatingdisorders #anorexianervosa #abbyrosemorris #humanbehavior #tracyturnblad #meghanmccain #socialissues #zoc3abwitt #physiology #psychiatry #kimdennis #nbc
New tCBT paper from the BABCP 50th Anniversary Special Issue:
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) as a psychological intervention in the treatment of ARFID for children and young people
#cbtworks #eatingdisorder #disorderedeating #arfid
Well have just come to the realisation that I've not just put on a couple of stone over the last few years, I am officially overweight. As someone who has struggled with disordered eating in the past (still miss a good binge ngl) I'm having to go about this with a careful and well thought out approach! Please, motivation, don't dissappear on me! #weightproblems #weightgain #weightloss #overweight #disorderedeating
#disorderedeating #overweight #weightloss #weightgain #weightproblems
CW: disordered eating
I made myself throw up last night after over-eating at a birthday party. Then I overate potato chips, drank zero water, and took my meds for the first time since Tuesday 😬 I haven't treated myself this badly in years but I'm not going to let it become a pattern again 😤 as you might imagine, I'm miserable this morning.
#disorderedeating #selfharm #vent #restart
Fuck face filters. #BodyDysmorphia #SocialMedia #Instagram #SnapChat #Depression #EatingDisorders #DisorderedEating #BodyPositivity #MentalHealth https://www.instyle.com/beauty/social-media-filters-mental-health
#mentalhealth #bodypositivity #disorderedeating #eatingdisorders #depression #snapchat #instagram #socialmedia #bodydysmorphia
@BathysphereHat my mother has disordered eating and is overly focused on people’s weight. She once asked my slim son how much he weighed. I said we’re not discussing that and you can talk about your own weight. If she asks me about my weight I say the same thing: We are not discussing that. She doesn’t ask anymore. #disorderedeating #weight
Thank you to everyone who CWs your food pics 😺
I'm in recovery from #DisorderedEating and seeing food is really hard for me and CWs really help. Thanks!
#disorderedeating #ed #eatingdisorders #meta #cwetiquette