Josh, or whatever · @josh
61 followers · 1095 posts · Server

Slept for 35 minutes last night despite having the most intense scramble for the last room in /#Washington DC area.

Yay for .

#dulles #sleeping #disorders

Last updated 1 year ago

For first time, task force recommends screening adults for
"Anxiety has been way under radar for a long time, and so I think it's good that they are recommending for the broad population to be screened. When we start screening for anxiety, we're going to find a lot more of it than we thought we had," said Dr. Georges Benjamin adding nation should prepare to make services and treatments more accessible amid ongoing mental health crisis

#us #anxiety #disorders #mentalhealth

Last updated 1 year ago

Anita Y Cheng · @anitaycheng
339 followers · 527 posts · Server

People who have had have a higher risk of mental afterwards. The risk was higher for people infected 2+ times (1.66x). People who were older (especially over 70) were more likely to need psychotropic medication. The risk was even higher for people for COVID (2.33x) or in the (3.6x)….


#COVID #disorders #hospitalized #ICU #twivtldr

Last updated 1 year ago

Knowledge Zone · @kzoneind
219 followers · 1267 posts · Server

Over two billion people could be exposed to extreme by #2100 : Le Monde

Repeated from the center of the could be aliens saying hello, new study claims :

How Reveal : Sci Am

Check our latest

#knowledgelinks #disorders #brain #dreams #milkyway #signals #heat

Last updated 1 year ago

katzenberger · @katzenberger
200 followers · 1609 posts · Server

NHS sending lambs to slaughter:
»…shared when a user viewed a patient handbook for medication … name of the drug and the NHS trust … user’s IP address and details of their Facebook user ID … details when users visited webpages for development , crisis services and … when users clicked to order repeat … specialist cancer centre, sent data on patients requesting referrals …« 😔

#prescriptions #disorders #eating #health #mental #problems #sexual #hiv

Last updated 1 year ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
870 followers · 1418 posts · Server

Diagnostic nomenclature for of is poorly evidenced, dangerous, needs overhauling. ‘vegetative state’ is the worst & it should be abandoned immediately. It was always nihilistic, designed 2 make lives of clinicians easier by helping them dismiss lives of their patients. It is also unscientific, stemming not from observation but from violent ideology - a metaphysics that fragments the human being, privileging the mind and neglecting the body.

#disorders #consciousness #docs

Last updated 2 years ago

time belongs wasted · @timeTraveler
10 followers · 304 posts · Server

let me interject: in the time when Nicolas recreates such elaborate arrangements, I simply look through my photo collections and in this way win ten, oh what, twenty times more time to analyze my mental on the basis of the images seen in the . well, I mean, this (Nicolas') photo is now also among them. and so if I want to dream of waking up in a wet bed, I would thus also have saved time.

... however, I wish to never dream such a dream for other ...

#nightmares #reasons #dream #disorders

Last updated 2 years ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
653 followers · 471 posts · Server

If you really think that using the word "" is , please watch this video:

To summarize (poorly), the is beginning to recognize that the , as diagnoses, do those to whom they are applied more harm than good. Most will never see a , and they'll never be with . The people who are diagnosed with NPD are , and it's possible they need a second opinion.

But the ? It's calling from inside the house.

Because if you're still convinced that saying "" is ableist, then rather than shouting "ableist" at the top of your lungs to people who are (and in some cases present ) of people who engage in narcissistic , are the most likely to take your words seriously. They are the most likely to experience worse as a result of your disempowering them and silencing them.

Instead of survivors, try to consider what words may be used instead of narcissism. It's not correct to say that "narcissistic abuse" is the same as abuse. Narcissistic abuse may be a form of emotional abuse, but its insidiousness goes far beyond what most people who experience emotional abuse ever experience.

A lot of people who think of "narcissism" as an ableist term will eagerly call its users ableist without offering any alternative words that will allow them to speak about their specific type of suffering. So let Dr. do the work for you: Consider sharing the term " " or, in lieu of "narcissistic abuse," antagonistic abuse, with those who you might otherwise re- with your careless .

Because silencing the survivors of abuse, many of whom have from living with narcissistic (or antagonistic) persons, is the real ableism.

#narcissism #ableist #research #personality #disorders #narcissists #therapist #diagnosed #npd #vulnerable #ableism #narcissistic #survivors #victims #behaviors #abuse #silencing #emotional #ramani #antagonistic #relationship #style #relational #traumatize #social #justice #barbarism #ptsd #psychology #socialjustice #mentalhealth #stigma

Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Byrd · @ByrdNick
793 followers · 314 posts · Server

“rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD)... can be associated with neurodegenerative disorders [like] Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body dementia and multiple system atrophy... ...can worsen RBD and its effects”

–Lindsay Modglin (reviewed by Seema Khosla, M.D., F.C.C.P., F.A.A.S.M)

#alcohol #sleepapnea #remsleepbehaviordisorder #remsleepdisturbnce #dementia #parkinsons #Neurodegenerative #disorders #multiplesystematrophy #health #wellbeing #longevity

Last updated 2 years ago

Joan of Cat (she/her) 😼 · @ceruleanarc
600 followers · 188 posts · Server

Someone: "Calling someone a is and to people with . You see, I have a personality disorder."

Me: "What if the person who abused you did it in such a manner that they played out the symptoms of their personality disorder?"

Someone: "Your reply is why you're part of the problem."

Me: "Are you being serious right now?"

Someone: "Ugh. Fuck off."

As a person who tends to believe that abusive people, regardless of their , do not deserve my as a of , I'm trying really hard not to internalize the following lesson:

People with Cluster B personality disorders who claim that identifying their personality disorder is a form of ableism are using leftist language in order to justify and excuse their abusive behavior.

My last abuser loved using leftist language as a way of silencing the victims of their abusive behavior. They once set a that no one could claim that their bad was because it was a for their trauma, which was actually a perverse way of preventing anyone who cared about them from calling them out when they did behave abusively.

Ironically, and disgustingly, the individual about who I'm speaking tonight once convinced me that someone who had abused them had lied about how abusive they were in order to punish them for refusing to be victimized any further. I believed them. Now, I really wonder whether that was ever true. It makes me wonder whether my abuser says that about me, that I was their true abuser. I wonder how many people like me believe them. And I'm really trying not to wonder about such things because it's a waste of energy I could be using to create content and joy.

Anyway, I hate making generalizations, and I really want to believe that even though Western doesn't know how to help people from any Cluster B personality disorder aside from (thank you, Marsha ), that these people are still human beings capable of being more than just scary and dangerous.

I want to believe that. But each time this happens, I believe it a little bit less. I imagine at some point, I'll have to admit that my faith in them was wrong, and I hurt myself repeatedly by believing in people that I never should have believed in.

Gods, I hate it when people cause me to lose faith in them. It feels really fucking awful to fear a group of people for something out of their control. But I also know that I'm forgiving (read: stupid) enough that if I met a new person right now with an official of , I'd treat them like any other person and be obnoxiously surprised when it turned out they behaved like I should have expected a narcissist to.

There is a confounding factor in that the person I had to deal with tonight claimed to have a personality disorder and also to distrust the mental health system so much that they refused to have anything to do with it. Unfortunately, this means that they were not receiving any kind of for their issues, and this is something that this person has in common with my abuser.

So, maybe a more fair statement than the one above is:

People with Cluster B personality disorders who refuse to engage in any kind of treatment for their mental health and also claim that identifying their personality disorder is a form of ableism are using leftist language in order to justify and excuse their abusive behavior.

This statement allows the individual with the personality disorder to have made a . And that choice, insofar as humans are their behavior towards others, applies not only to personality disorders, but very much to and trauma survivors.

To me.

This is why I don't think that I have any place to argue that I was good or deserved positive treatment during my self-serving enabling of others' narcissistic abuse by my abuser. I made a choice, and it was a hard choice not to make, but it was a choice I made. Even if I had no control over the choice, I was still not a safe person to be around because of my loyalty to such a selfish and capricious person. Yeah, I had a , but I also wasn't great at keeping appointments then (probably for significant, non-time-management-related reasons that I'm only recently beginning to understand).

Compare that to now, when I have few qualms about ending relationships, a stronger sense of personal , and a supportive and constructive group. And when I'm seeing a therapist and regularly and religiously because I understand how much it benefits me and have been consistently from my trauma as evidenced by reports from the people that know me and that see me day in and day out.

As much as I hate making generalizations, I find I'm generally OK with making ones that I can easily and appropriately apply to myself. So that's something.

#narcissist #ableist #abusive #personality #disorders #psychopathology #empathy #survivor #trauma #boundary #behavior #manipulative #trigger #psychology #heal #bpd #Linehan #diagnosis #npd #treatment #mental #health #choice #ptsd #therapist #toxic #identity #social #support #psychiatrist #healing

Last updated 2 years ago

Early-Life Stress Can Disrupt Maturation of Brain’s Reward Circuits, Promoting Disorders 👇🧠🧐

#brain #stress #neurons #disorders #research

Last updated 2 years ago

dustcircle :verified: · @dustcircle
83 followers · 1858 posts · Server

" are my specialty. Here’s what I wish people understood before online."

#psychotic #disorders #commenting

Last updated 2 years ago

Knight ADRC · @KnightADRC
47 followers · 493 posts · Server

researchers have created a new way to track how fluid flows through the , and their findings suggest that this fluid may play an underrecognized role in .

#washumed #brain #neurodevelopmental #disorders

Last updated 2 years ago

Scientific Frontline · @sflorg
1086 followers · 2564 posts · Server

Numerous , including ’s, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (), and mood disorders, have been linked to issues with the . However, the basis of the DMN is not well understood.

#brain #disorders #alzheimer #adhd #dmn #neurophysiological #neuroscience #sflorg

Last updated 2 years ago

Psychiatry Lübeck · @Psychiatry_Luebeck
29 followers · 18 posts · Server

„Study protocol for a controlled trial of an e-health stepped care approach for the of use versus a placebo condition: the SCAPIT study“ - out in BMJ open.

The aim of the study is to investigate if a stepped approach is effective to severity for internet use disorders.

#newpublication #randomised #Treatment #internet #disorders #care #reduce #symptom

Last updated 2 years ago

Perceptions Today · @PerceptionsToday
54 followers · 203 posts · Server
BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
305 followers · 10918 posts · Server
Mojo 🇦🇺 ♻️☑️ · @mojo
223 followers · 617 posts · Server

Specialists say screen and affect tens of thousands of . The issue has led several academics, child psychologists and psychiatrists to sign a joint statement calling for urgent government action.

#gaming #disorders #australian #children #technology #addiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Acta Médica Portuguesa · @amp
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

AMP has just published!
Neovagina in Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) Syndrome: Vaginoplasty Using Ileal Flap

An Original Article by Sílvia Serrano, Inês Pereira, Alexandra Henriques and Alexandre Valentim-Lourenço - a multicenter work.

Click here to read the full paper:

#disorders #sexdevelopment #surgery #reconstructivesurgicalprocedures #vaginasurgery

Last updated 2 years ago

🇺🇸 Bewickwren 🇵🇹 · @Bewickwren
496 followers · 4728 posts · Server

Those with disorders were 42% more likely to the department within six months, the study found; patients with impulse control disorders were 36% more likely; and patients with like autism and A.D.H.D. were 22% more likely. Patients who required medications to subdue them were 22% more likely to revisit.

#psychotic #revisit #emergency #disorders

Last updated 2 years ago