La mia faccia, sicura e perfettamente a mio agio, ogni volta che devo prendere un #treno.
#treno #gnafo #disoriented #disorientatacronica
Hello World !
Primo giorno. Primo post.
C’è nessunooo?!
Devo ancora capire come funziona questo social :mastodon:
#newentry #helloworld #disoriented
#newentry #helloworld #disoriented
Many, including me, are recent migrants to Mastodon and may feel a little decentered as the result of self-exile ~ and having joined a new community w/ a culture which is ‘other than’ in a good way. Here’s a quote from Cadences of Home by Walter Brueggemann about utterances after being displaced: “rhetoric among the decentered not only has a different intention,…but yields generative possibilities of something not known or available until this moment”. pg. 57 #Disoriented #Displaced #Voices
#disoriented #displaced #voices