Hey, everybody! My newest #substack post has dropped, "Take This Ghostban and Shove It (Part 2)", continuing the sage of my bittersweet (mostly bitter, far less sweet) exit from decaying birdsite and how twitter's asinine rules combined with Voldemusk's takeover left me with no choice but to abandon the sickened bird.
I discuss my failed attempt to take my hobby of #shitposting and make it into a job so I'm not just some lazy #DisposablePerson, but in the end my idea was all for not. "Despite all my time, effort and passion, my idea was dead."
I hope you enjoy! Or at least get so stoned that you manage to enjoy it. Thanks!
#substack #shitposting #disposableperson
@eithiriel Are you sure? It was my understanding that if I'm not productive, I'm a #DisposablePerson.
@dalfen Thank you. #DisposablePeople / #DisposablePerson is my attempt to call attention to cultural attitudes that sometimes seem quite prevalent that some people aren't "worth" saving or helping because they're the "other". For instance, the phrase "Anyone who works hard deserves a decent quality of life". This seems to indirectly imply that people who *don't* or *can't* work hard are less deserving. I suspect a lot of folks who *don't* work in reality *could*, if circumstances were different.
#disposablepeople #disposableperson
#ADHD #Antifa #BasicIncome #Bioswales #BLM #BorderCollies #BPD #Cannabis #CatsofMastodon #Compersion #DadJokes #DBT #Debian #Depression #DisposablePerson #DogsofMastodon #Empathy #Equality #ExcessiveHashtags #ExecutiveDisfunction #FBR #GallowsHumor #Humanist #HumanRights #JusticeMatters #LGBTQ+ #LiberalAF #Linux #MaskUp #MentalIllness #MutualAid #NonSequiturs #Persist #Polyamory #ProChoice #Progressive #Puns #Resist #Spaceballs #UBI #USPol #Vaccinated #VoteBlue
#adhd #antifa #basicincome #bioswales #blm #bordercollies #bpd #cannabis #catsofmastodon #compersion #dadjokes #dbt #debian #depression #disposableperson #dogsofmastodon #empathy #equality #excessivehashtags #executivedisfunction #fbr #gallowshumor #humanist #humanrights #justicematters #lgbtq #liberalaf #linux #maskup #mentalillness #mutualaid #nonsequiturs #persist #polyamory #prochoice #progressive #puns #resist #spaceballs #ubi #uspol #vaccinated #voteblue
@PJLavatai @georgetakei Excellent post. As someone who couldn't manage to get a college education due to mental illness and poor life choices, I am a #DisposablePerson. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.