#DisruptJMM: Themes of online social justice advocacy and community building in STEM http://osf.io/8cxm4/
I was going to point out the problems with JMM and the AMS having policies that make it hard for sessions to go hybrid anyways, since some people can't go to in person conferences regardless, but I would also be less stressed about all these flight delays if hybridity was more encouraged. (I am going to be on a panel on inclusive conferences at 8:30 tomorrow morning)
I urge anyone attending the in-person-only AMS #JMM to read this short piece by @pwr2dppl, think about the questions therein, and take action based on your thoughts:
This is a small bandage on a much larger problem, but I hope it will provide access to at least a small part. I’d encourage others to do the same as you are able, particularly session organizers who may be able to organize these efforts more broadly #disruptJMM
The latest i/e blog post, by @pwr2dppl. #DisruptJMM #jmm2023