The move… is likely to come as a relief to US prisoner’s #families & supporters, many of whom have waited several years for their return…. It’s also expected to come under harsh criticism from #Republicans in #Congress opposed to any agreement… (to) release of frozen Iranian funds….
The deal marks a major breakthrough for the longtime adversaries who remain at loggerheads over a range of issues, including the rapid expansion of #Tehran’s #nuclear program & Iran’s harsh crackdown on #dissent.
#families #republicans #congress #tehran #nuclear #dissent
India’s Digital Governance `Model’ Fails on Rights
India's digital transformation also means depriving millions of their livelihood, biased surveillance technologies, insecure public databases and unprecedented levels of internet shutdowns. Jayshree Bajoria and Apar Gupta write.
#DigitalIndia #g20 #MGNREGS #NREGA #aadhaar #ManipurViolence #manipur #InternetShutdown #UIDAI #biometrics #security #privacy #DataProtection #PersonalData #cybersecurity #StateSurveillance #authoritarianism #dissent #minorities #hindutva #BJP #technology #india
#DigitalIndia #g20 #mgnregs #nrega #aadhaar #manipurviolence #manipur #internetshutdown #uidai #biometrics #security #privacy #dataprotection #personaldata #CyberSecurity #statesurveillance #authoritarianism #dissent #minorities #hindutva #BJP #technology #india
Is India Still a Democracy? Political Prisoners Tell Their Stories
During the three-year-long trial against Professor GN Saibaba and the other men, which ran from 2014 to 2017, the prosecution produced no real evidence. Of 23 witnesses presented before the court by the prosecution, 22 were police officers. The only civilian witness retracted his confession after claiming it resulted from torture. While Saibaba’s health deteriorated in prison, Rahi, the social activist and journalist, alleged that he, Mishra, Narote, and Mahesh Tirki were tortured in custody by investigating officer Suhas Bawache.
#PoliticalPrisoners #GNSaibaba #activism #dissent #HumanRights #TribalRights #adivasis #UAPA #DraconianLaws #environment #EcoDestruction #authoritarianism #PressFreedom #FalseCases #torture #StateViolence #UnionGovt #india #books #bookstodon #SuchitraVijayan #FrancescaRecchia
#politicalprisoners #gnsaibaba #activism #dissent #humanrights #TribalRights #adivasis #uapa #draconianlaws #environment #ecodestruction #authoritarianism #pressfreedom #falsecases #torture #stateviolence #uniongovt #india #books #bookstodon #suchitravijayan #francescarecchia
An anonymous letter-writer is targeting progressive Kannada writers and liberals
While many of the writers are accustomed to getting threats, this time the person/s writing the letters, who signs off as ‘Sahishna Hindu’, seems more tenacious than others, persisting with it for months on end.
#karnataka #chitradurga #kannada #dissent #rationalism #secularism #hindutva #india
#karnataka #chitradurga #kannada #dissent #rationalism #secularism #hindutva #india
“The one thing ... that is truly ugly is the climate of hate and intimidation, created by a noisy few, which makes the decent majority reluctant to air in public their views on anything controversial. ... Where all pretend to be thinking alike, it's likely that no one is thinking at all.”
― Edward Abbey, Postcards from Ed: Dispatches and Salvos from an American Iconoclast
#edabbey #dissent #hate #intimidation
In Modi’s India, the press is more imperilled than ever
The hounding of media website NewsClick is a form of McCarthyism, writes a former editor of the Hindu.
#NewsClick #PressFreedom #McCarthyism #NarendraModi #BJP #democracy #dissent #EnforcementDirectorate #ED #journalism #media #TheNewYorkTimes #NYT #hindutva #india
#NewsClick #pressfreedom #mccarthyism #narendramodi #BJP #democracy #dissent #EnforcementDirectorate #ed #journalism #media #thenewyorktimes #nyt #hindutva #india
#NewWorldOrder: The #alternative to U.S. and #Western #imperialism is mostly #tyrannies- #CarbonAddicted #economies, hegemonic projects to stop #dissent at home- Patrick Bond.
#GreatGame #EastWestDuopoly #CapitalismIsKillingThePlanet #RaceToTheBottom #WarsForOil #PetroDollarCentricClimateChange
#newworldorder #alternative #western #imperialism #tyrannies #carbonaddicted #economies #dissent #greatgame #eastwestduopoly #capitalismiskillingtheplanet #racetothebottom #warsforoil #petrodollarcentricclimatechange
Delhi police’s heavy hand at ‘We20: Peoples’ Summit’ highlights Modi government’s fear of dissent
Clampdown on the civil society summit on August 19, citing permission issues, sparks concerns about free speech before the G20 summit.
#delhi #we20 #INDIAAlliance #dissent #FreeSpeech #censorship #DelhiPolice #HomeMinistry #BJP #india
#delhi #we20 #indiaalliance #dissent #freespeech #censorship #delhipolice #homeministry #BJP #india
500 Days: Kashmiri Journalist Fahad Shah’s Incarceration Is An Exercise In Assumptions & Retribution
Five hundred days after the Jammu and Kashmir police arrested him, journalist Fahad Shah, 32, remains incarcerated for an article he did not write but published more than 10 years ago as the editor of The Kashmir Walla, a digital news magazine he launched that year aged 21.
#kashmir #FahadShah #TheKashmirWalla #AbdulAlaFazili #PressFreedom #UAPA #FCRA #PublicSafetyAct #DraconianLaws #JKPolice #censorship #journalism #dissent #BJP #NIA #JKSIA #india
#kashmir #FahadShah #thekashmirwalla #abdulalafazili #pressfreedom #uapa #FCRA #PublicSafetyAct #draconianlaws #jkpolice #censorship #journalism #dissent #BJP #nia #jksia #india
Rajkot man held for uploading video critical of RSS on social media: Police
In some of his social media posts, Gheravda is identified as a worker of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), said officers.
#gujarat #rajkot #RSS #facebook #hindutva #censorship #CPIM #BJP #dissent #india
#gujarat #rajkot #RSS #facebook #hindutva #censorship #cpim #BJP #dissent #india
Delhi Police Arrive at Venue Hosting Event Critical of G20 Summit, 'Stop People From Entering'
Among those who were scheduled to speak at the 'We20' workshops today are Congress leader Jairam Ramesh, food sovereignty advocate Vandana Shiva, and Janata Dal (United) MP Aneel Hegde.
#delhi #g20 #DelhiPolice #we20 #ClimateChange #environment #biodiversity #HumanRights #MedhaPatkar #VandanaShiva #JairamRamesh #dissent #activism #UnionGovt #BJP #censorship #india
#delhi #g20 #delhipolice #we20 #ClimateChange #environment #biodiversity #humanrights #medhapatkar #vandanashiva #jairamramesh #dissent #activism #uniongovt #BJP #censorship #india
Goa: Man booked for sharing satirical cartoon on PM Modi
The cartoon showed Modi in the form of a chameleon next to the tricolour.
#goa #panaji #SantaCruz #NarendraModi #cartoon #satire #censorship #FreeSpeech #dissent #modi #authoritarianism #NationalFlag #india
#goa #panaji #santacruz #narendramodi #cartoon #satire #censorship #freespeech #dissent #modi #authoritarianism #NationalFlag #india
Ashoka University faculty sets two conditions before carrying forward teaching obligations
The faculty also asked the management to desist from interfering in academic work.
#AshokaUniversity #SabyasachiDas #PulapreBalakrishnan #ElectoralFraud #2019elections #BJP #research #academia #education #dissent #censorship #repression #hindutva #india
#AshokaUniversity #sabyasachidas #pulaprebalakrishnan #electoralfraud #2019elections #BJP #research #academia #education #dissent #censorship #repression #hindutva #india
Economics Dept Says Ashoka Governing Body ‘Interference’ Forcing Scholars to ‘Operate in Environment of Fear’
Department wants Sabyasachi Das reappointed, sets deadline of August 23; English and Creative Writing Departments also release a statement in solidarity with the economics department, stipulating the same demands.
#AshokaUniversity #SabyasachiDas #research #2019elections #ElectoralFraud #dissent #academia #education #BJP #universities #democracy #UnionGovt #india
#AshokaUniversity #sabyasachidas #research #2019elections #electoralfraud #dissent #academia #education #BJP #universities #democracy #uniongovt #india
Ricardo Levins Morales poster catalog, p624: "Morally Treasonable" (2003)
"“To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
Available here:
#fedigiftshop #treason #dissent #ushistory #mastoart
Home Minister Amit Shah Says Sedition Is Dead. But Its Replacement Is More Fearsome Than The Colonial Law Ever Was
The proposed Clause 150 meant to replace Section 124A, or sedition, proposes that the government and the nation are the same thing—as God, king and country once were under colonial rule—and the ambiguity, legislative intent and punishment are stronger than the old law. Article14 analysis shows how the problems we faced with sedition will continue if the proposed Clause 150 becomes law.
#law #sedition #clause150 #IPC #BhartiyaNyayaSanhita #DraconianLaws #journalism #activism #FreeSpeech #dissent #hindutva #BJP #india
#law #sedition #clause150 #ipc #bhartiyanyayasanhita #draconianlaws #journalism #activism #freespeech #dissent #hindutva #BJP #india
Oldy but a goody (old by less then two years) #RankAndFile #Labor #LongHaul #DSA #DemSocialists #dissent
#rankandfile #labor #longhaul #dsa #demsocialists #dissent
The price that Umar Khalid is paying for dissenting in Modi’s India
The activist has been in prison for nearly three years, awaiting trial. Sonia Faleiro writes.
#UmarKhalid #dissent #ReligiousHarmony #UAPA #DelhiPogrom #DelhiRiots #AmitMalviya #sedition #DraconianLaws #BJP #hindutva #democracy #india
#umarkhalid #dissent #religiousharmony #uapa #DelhiPogrom #DelhiRiots #amitmalviya #sedition #draconianlaws #BJP #hindutva #democracy #india
IAS, IPS and IFoS: Is India stifling criticism by retired bureaucrats?
The Indian government has brought in new rules that allow it to cancel pensions of retired bureaucrats who have served as high-ranking officers in some of the most coveted government jobs.
#dissent #IAS #IPS #IFOS #bureaucracy #UnionGovt #law #india
#dissent #IAS #ips #ifos #bureaucracy #uniongovt #law #india
Umar Khalid, the Historian: His Continued Imprisonment Is a Loss to the Academic World
Even for someone who worked extensively on Adivasi history, his thesis 'Contesting Claims and Contingencies of Rule: Singhbhum 1800 – 2000' offers new insights, writes Nandini Sundar.
#UmarKhalid #activism #dissent #HumanRights #UAPA #censorship #FreeSpeech #academia #DelhiPogrom #DelhiRiots #muslims #adivasis #history #india
#umarkhalid #activism #dissent #humanrights #uapa #censorship #freespeech #academia #DelhiPogrom #DelhiRiots #muslims #adivasis #history #india