Giuseppe Michieli · @GMIK69
101 followers · 1959 posts · Server

Effectiveness of measures and for reducing of in non-healthcare, community-based settings

#social #distancing #lockdowns #transmission #COVID19

Last updated 1 year ago

@t54r4n1 @Louisa

I think it may be better than "I've " which could be somewhat in the age of and world .

#crabs #socially #distancing #covid #boiling

Last updated 1 year ago

rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
752 followers · 8596 posts · Server

I recently took an indoor training course in which I was the only one . That didn’t bother me as it’s not the first time and I’ve grown quite accustomed to people’s strange looks.

What truly affected me was the sad fact that when we partnered up at the start, I was last to be picked due to my .

It was clear everyone felt that if they partnered with me they’d have to mask up as well. I told the last unfortunate fellow who was forced to sit with me that was not the case, he was relieved.

Over the 2 day course I found out my new partner had already taken the same course a month previous and barely retained anything.

I was shocked by his inability to remember numbers or follow basic instructions in a timely matter. Despite this, I continuously helped him along, explaining things thoroughly through my mask. At the end he gratefully thanked me for helping him so much through the course.

Upon leaving on the last day, I overheard my former partner admitting to the teacher that since he’s had (multiple times) he now has difficulty remembering things, which is affecting his studies.

So, next time you need to partner in a course don’t assume the only person masked is an incompetent fool, when it’s most probably quite the opposite.

My wife and I have managed to avoid thus far through maintained and social . Life changed and we’ve adjusted. Masking shows our strength and resilience not our weakness.

#masked #mask #covid #COVID19BC #masking #distancing #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #CapitalismKills #BringBackMasks #masks4healthcare #eugenics #BCpoli #cdnpoli

Last updated 1 year ago

WACOCA · @wacoca
2 followers · 6078 posts · Server
Giuseppe Michieli · @GMIK69
54 followers · 968 posts · Server

A scoping review of the of physical measures on population groups

#impacts #COVID19 #distancing #vulnerable

Last updated 2 years ago

Kilian Jörg · @kilianjoerg
21 followers · 27 posts · Server

"Wann wird eine kompromisslos und unabdingbar vorpreschende Haltung zum Problem? Wieviel Filterarbeit und Blasenbildung braucht ein effizienter Aktivismus? Und wann und wie kann Sich-Raushalten nicht als stillschweigendes Einlenken mit der furchtbaren Norm, sondern als notwendiges Fokussieren und Konzentrieren der Kräfte für den Kampf um Veränderung verstanden werden?"

#COVID #crisis #globalwarming #distancing #activism

Last updated 2 years ago

ChipMcDonald · @chipmcdonald
132 followers · 208 posts · Server

Looks like rates on film sets are crossing 50%.

I see a sudden uptick in people I know saying they're sick.

Post surge is not a good sign for the coming post surge....

#covid #thanksgiving #christmas #masks #distancing

Last updated 2 years ago

ChipMcDonald · @chipmcdonald
108 followers · 147 posts · Server

"Are you giving lessons face to face now?"

I get asked this in txt just about every week from what would have been prospective customers, and from students taking lessons online.

My answer is the same as it's been for almost 3 years now:

The took off when a critical point was reached - that appeared to be about 10,000 infections. Given that you can go 14 days asymptomatic (ignoring the retro-causality violation of the 's revised "convenience guidelines) *my* metric for a safe reopening is when the rate drops to 10,000 a day, and stays there for 28+.

I know my reasoning has created a woosh effect for many, so:

1) More than 28 days, because someone infected on day 2 of an initial 14 days won't change the statistics at 14 days. *You don't know if the rate is constant until at least double the asymptomatic duration. It makes no sense for me to gear up reopening my brick-and-mortar business if it turns out at day 16-17 the rate is going back up.

2) .... yes, 14 days asymptomatic. I don't care if you can cite a *particular* cherry picked variant shows other behavior: even if you believe that to be representational of "all variants", *you don't - you *can't* - have current data on newly emerging *. 14 days is what used to be called a "prudent number".

3) .... no, I don't care what the CDC says. They're obviously politicized. My reasoning is sound.

4) I am, for better or worse, going off of CDC numbers. I am taking them with a grain of salt, since "for some reason" changed the reporting requirements back in January, and CDC change theirs July 4. Again, it is only prudent to presume the real infection rate is much, much higher than what the CDC reports*.

5) I am tempering this with CDC waste water data, which leads (...used to, back when the CDC listed a daily infection rate...) the infection rate data.

6) I am also tempering it all with another observational metric of N=~30: my students.

*It makes no sense for me to resume face to face lessons when I have a student out with covid every other week!*

* If I'm sitting in a room, sharing air with someone for 30 minutes, there is zero chance I'm not going to get covid over and over, as well as transmit it to others. It's irresponsible and stupid.

7) I don't care how mainstream "thought" cares to typify the pandemic. I've read dozens of papers in the past years, skimmed *hundreds* of studies, watched dozens of lectures by virologists, epidemiologists, others. Without presenting any evidence - because I'm just a peasant - I believe:

- Every time you're infected you are risking a possibly severe episode;
- Every time you're infected you are most likely suffering some sort of organ damage, that is "invisible";
- CD4 T-cell destruction is real
- is real, and appears to be a certain risk for 1 in 5 - mild, or not.

Another way of looking at it, get covid 5+ times and your chances are "quite good" of having long covid. As it is, I know quite a few people that have tested positive 3 times, some 4 times. With the attitude of , it's , "most people" will be infected 5 times and more.

This is completely insanity.

So no, I don't care how "mild" you think it is, or that you had it and it was "just like a cold", or "a friend got over it in a week" - I believe in my Peasant Medical Education over the past years more than your anecdotal interpretation of what you think you've seen.

I haven't had a full schedule in a long time now, and money is tight. I'm effectively turning away business because here in the United States the has been ladled on pretty heavily, most people don't wear masks, and a lot literally don't believe covid is real. So I'm an outcast.

It's my belief we are now in an endless cycle that will see surges in April (post ) July (post July 4), and post in January. Waste water data shows people are obviously carriers days before that.

I claim there will be another surge in January. I hope the waste water data shows it being lower than this year; I'm afraid it could be higher. Regardless, *unless there is no surge in January NOTHING HAS CHANGED*.


The old and weak have been killed in the past years. Covid is not going to have the Shock and Awe that it had in 2020. Right now it should be shocking and awing parents, but I've also learned sociopathy is more prevalent than I thought...

NOTHING HAS CHANGED. Except one thing....:

Twitter. Again, I hope the migration here - or even anywhere else, will change people's attitude through the January surge. The pandemic would be much better had certain people, bots, not had Twitter as a disinformation platform.

Regardless, I'm looking for it to drop to ~10,000 infections a day. You should be, too.

#guitar #covid #epidemic #cdc #variants #hhs #LongCovid #comorbid #letitrip #mild #southeast #propaganda #springbreak #holidays #guitarlessons #pandemic #booster #masks #distancing

Last updated 2 years ago

Pat · @Pat
124 followers · 2264 posts · Server


Which is the most effective way to prevent the infection and spread of COVID-19?
(besides complete isolation, of course)

#p100 #COVID19 #COVID #vax #vaccine #socal #distancing #death #cdc #respirator #mask #masks #CDCP #niosh #n95

Last updated 3 years ago

Pat · @Pat
124 followers · 2264 posts · Server


- - -
The truth is…

In the US in March 2022, there were 2450 people who had died from COVID-19 and came back to life again.
- - -

Cumulative deaths from COVID-19:
2022/3/12 11:15 p.m. - 967,552
2022/3/14 11:35 p.m. - 965,102
- - -
Source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center;
- - -
= A statement that is logically or literally true (or partly true), but seems to imply something that isn’t true or is just plain weird. (for rhetoric, logic or propaganda studies… or just for fun)

(Image CC-by-nc-nd-3.0; by Sylvenne,

#COVID19 #COVID #respirator #mask #masks #vax #vaccine #socal #distancing #death #cdc #CDCP #niosh #n95 #numbers #lie #truthbetold

Last updated 3 years ago

Pat · @Pat
124 followers · 2264 posts · Server


- - -
- - -
Here’s Nancy Pelosi speaking on the crowded floor of the House of Representatives without wearing an N95 respirator.

She is in the line of succession to the presidency, yet she carelessly takes an unnecessary risk by exposing herself to COVID-19 without wearing a respirator.

Ironically, she was talking about how the US is falling behind other countries in science. Duh!

#COVID19 #mask #masks #wh #niosh #vax #vaccine #socal #distancing #science #COVID #respirator #uspol #cdc #CDCP #n95

Last updated 3 years ago

Pat · @Pat
124 followers · 2264 posts · Server


The truth is…

Press Secretary Jen Psaki became infected with COVID-19 because she didn’t wear an N95 respirator.

Psaki doesn’t wear a respirator when she gives her press briefings to the White House correspondents.

According to the CDC, none of the White House correspondents who were infected by Psaki are considered close contacts.

(In epidemiology, a “close contact” is anyone who was close enough to an infected person to possibly become infected themselves. It’s used for contact tracing to locate people who may have become infected to help prevent further spread of disease, among other things.)

= A statement that is logically or literally true (or partly true), but seems to imply something that isn’t true or is just plain weird. (for rhetoric, logic or propaganda studies… or just for fun)

#COVID19 #COVID #respirator #mask #vax #vaccine #socal #distancing #wh #uspol #cdc #CDCP #niosh #n95 #truthbetold #masks

Last updated 3 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 13753 posts · Server
Pat · @Pat
125 followers · 2266 posts · Server


Here's a summary of the logic of the anti-maskers / anti-vaxers in the US:

"There is no virus, there is no pandemic, it's a government conspiracy."

"And the pandemic will miraculously disappear in a few weeks."

"Also, the vaccine doesn't work against the virus."

"And masks won't stop the pandemic either."

"Besides, the pandemic has only killed less than 1% of the population -- only about 600,000 people."

"Also, it's the illegal aliens who are spreading in the virus (because the virus is sentient and knows who is legal and who isn't)."

"And Biden isn't vaccinating the illegals."

"And hey, why are we spending tax dollars to vaccinate the illegals?"

"Plus, I have a constitutional right to carry a biological weapon."

"And I have a right to control my own body (as long as I'm not trying to prevent myself from breeding)."

"Also, wearing a mask makes me uncomfortable, and so does watching all those people dying in the hospital from COVID-19."


#satire #COVID #social #distancing #masks #vaccine #usa

Last updated 3 years ago

Pat · @Pat
125 followers · 2266 posts · Server
Inscius · @inscius
174 followers · 4590 posts · Server
· @Flomotion
182 followers · 1335 posts · Server

Different sets of rules for the rulers

#distancing #macron #Biden #g7

Last updated 4 years ago

Pat · @Pat
125 followers · 2266 posts · Server

The ability to delay gratification is correlated strongly with success in later life.

#mask #COVID19 #vaccine #cdc #social #distancing

Last updated 4 years ago

Pat · @Pat
125 followers · 2266 posts · Server


Yes, *in a month or two* it may be over (if no vaccine-resistant mutations emerge). Only THEN do we begin to relax the guidelines and go back to work.

Between now and then tens of thousands will die from the virus, many needlessly, because the guidelines were relaxed prematurely, while the pandemic continues much longer than it should have.

And also contributing to the problem...

Many of those 100+ million "stragglers" are reluctant to get jabbed because of the corrupt way in which leaders have dealt with the pandemic. They don't trust them and they don't know how to evaluate the science behind the vaccine. They believe that those in charge are more interested in trying to improve the economy than in the health of our citizens. And they're right.

You and I both want the same thing. We want to crush the virus and go back to normal. The quickest way to get there is to continue the fight until the virus is extinguished using all of the tools available.

Those who are unable to persist -- unable to delay gratification -- just prolong the battle and as a result contribute to a worse economic outcome.

#mask #COVID19 #vaccine #cdc #social #distancing

Last updated 4 years ago

Pat · @Pat
125 followers · 2266 posts · Server


First of all, there was no mask "mandate" from the CDC. It's a guideline. Also, we're talking about more than just wearing a mask -- it's the social distancing, avoiding large gatherings, reducing the number of exposures by making less-frequent trips to the store, etc.

By relaxing the guidelines, the CDC, and the media, have prematurely sent a message that people can drop their guard and people receive that message as "the pandemic is over" and they think that they no longer need to take precautions.

I consume a lot of media from a wide variety of sources and I haven't heard any of the old media outlets reporting that deaths continue to occur at an alarming rate. In fact, they are essentially reporting that "the pandemic is over".

The fact is that those precautions save lives and can virtually extinguish the virus when adhered to universally. Several countries were able to eliminate the virus from their countries *before* the vaccine was available just by getting everyone to follow those precautions.

The reason why more people have died in the US from COVID19 than in any other country is because that asshole in the Whitehouse told people to ignore the precautions, to not wear their masks. And now the CDC and the media are making the same mistake by prematurely claiming "mission accomplished". In countries where they took it seriously and people followed the guidance, they had fewer deaths and in some cases extinguished the virus in their counties *before* the vaccine was even available just by getting everyone to follow the proper protocols.

Those countries were THEN able to go back to normal, to go back to work months ago because the virus had been crushed. The CDC should have waited until community spread of the virus was actually stopped before relaxing the guidance.

#COVID19 #cdc #mask #vaccine #social #distancing

Last updated 4 years ago