📝 "Credit where it's due: changing the canonical URL of a post"
👤 Cara Thompson (@cararthompson)
📝 "Welcome to my {distill} website!"
👤 Ella Kaye (@ellakaye)
🔗 https://ellakaye.co.uk/posts/2021-05-08_welcome-distill/index.html
#rladies #rstats #distill #distilltools #packagedevelopment #R
#rladies #rstats #distill #distilltools #packagedevelopment #r
📝 "Custom syntax highlighting for {distill} part 1"
👤 Ella Kaye (@ellakaye)
🔗 https://ellakaye.co.uk/posts/2021-05-25_custom-highlighting-distill-1/index.html
#rladies #rstats #distill #distilltools #colour #accessibility #R
#rladies #rstats #distill #distilltools #colour #accessibility #r
📝 "Custom syntax highlighting for {distill} part 2"
👤 Ella Kaye (@ellakaye)
🔗 https://ellakaye.co.uk/posts/2021-05-26_custom-highlighting-distill-2/index.html
#rladies #rstats #distill #colour #accessibility #r
I'm eyeballs deep into understanding #GaussianProcesses (GPs). There are great resources out there but I can thoroughly recommend this introductory paper on #Distill by Görtler et al. The interactive plots are a great https://doi.org/10.23915/distill.00017
I tried double pot stove top and it would take a month to make enough for one fill of my humidifier, use $60 in gas and give me an asthma attack.
Is there an economic way to home distill water, or should I just buy it?
@arnaudj J'arrive après la bataille mais je me reconnais bien dans ce problème, c'est dur d'être tenue au courant des #événements maintenant. De mon temps il y avait le "#sortir" #Lille papier mais je le trouve moins bien fait qu'avant. On peut toujours programmer des rss sur les différents #théâtres et blogs de Lille mais ça plante tout le temps. Ces jours-ci je vais tenter #distill.io , on verra si ca marche. Si quelqu'un a des blogs/sites à recommander sur Lille je suis tout ouïe.
#evenements #sortir #lille #theatres #distill
Thoroughly enjoying this book on #Drink #History with chapters on Monks, #Science, spirits, poisons and lots more.
#Doctors and #Distill ers
The remarkable #Medicinal #History of #Beer #Wine #Spirits and #Cocktails
by Camper English
There are recipes for cocktails interspersed but it's the terrific research in every bit mixed together so well that's delightful.
#cocktails #spirits #wine #beer #medicinal #distill #doctors #science #history #drink
I was talking with a distiller the other day about how little is known about pre-Prohibition rye whiskey distillers. It’s sad to think that about 200 years of generational knowledge was lost when the craft of rye whiskey-making was brought to an abrupt end in 1917. We still have a lot to learn about what they knew.
#ryewhiskey #whiskey #whiskeyhistory #masterdistiller #bourbon #history #whisky #Americanwhiskey #distill #distiller #distillery
#ryewhiskey #whiskey #whiskeyhistory #masterdistiller #bourbon #history #whisky #americanwhiskey #distill #distiller #distillery
@analyst42 @chrisbeeley I used #distill for a public site and #bookdown for internal things I just can't share, like connection strings. It's surprising how often I get to share the links to public posts compared to internal links.
Finally ported my #RStats #distill blog over to #QuartoPub. It’s definitely worth the upgrade for anyone who’s been thinking of making the switch.
Also finished some posts and code snippets!
Tales from the Borderlands: Post-processing plots with {magick}. https://tidytales.ca/posts/2022-09-29_borderlands/
On motion: Simulating projectile motion with {gganimate}. https://tidytales.ca/posts/2022-06-16_projectile-motion/
Directly labeling {ggdist} lineribbons with {geomtextpath}. https://tidytales.ca/snippets/2022-10-29_geomtextpath-with-ggdist/
Does anybody know if/how I can integrate the site verification described here within a Distill website's _site.yml file? https://docs.joinmastodon.org/user/profile/#verification #distill #markdown #rstats
Has anybody else tried to add their mastodon link to a #distill postcard? The @ in the link seems to be inserting a citation thing and it is rendering weird
example in next post.
New #introduction since I left out many #'s last time 😅
I'm JP, an assistant prof in #engineering at GWU studying the transition to low carbon technologies, mostly #EVs ⚡ 🚗 (but also solar ☀️ , wind 💨 , etc).
I do a good bit of choice modeling, and I'm also an #rstats fan / developer. I teach R4DS.
I also build weird split #keyboards ⌨️ , play 🎻 🎹 🎸 , and swing dance 🕺.
Papers, blog, and more on my #distill website:
Projects & code here:
#distill #keyboards #rstats #EVs #engineering #introduction