I taught my coworkers how to use the .

While we were all on the clock. Love my job.

made with 10 grams of (decarbed oil) & 5 cups of

Photo 1: I'll comment with another picture after it hardens a bit.

#today #magicalbuttermachine #magicalbutter #thc #cannabutter #distillate #ghee

Last updated 2 years ago

Erin George · @eringeorge
3 followers · 12 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

organiccbdoil.review/cbd-disti CBD Distillate and CBD Concentrate is an extract from the cannabis hemp plant that is highly concentrated into pure cannabinoid concentrates (CBD, CBG, CBN, etc.) These are pure CBD Concentrate extracts that give you the most therapeutic or beneficial compounds for health, healing, recovery and cellular rejuvenation. It is the highest potency in the smallest amount (just a dab under your tongue, in a beverage or rubbed into a painful area) gives you instant relief!

#cannabis #distillate #cbdconcentrate #Cannabinoid #CBD

Last updated 2 years ago

organiccbdoil.review/cbd-disti #1 Most Potent form of CBD Concentrate is CBD Distillate. It has no filler oils like MCT, or coconut oil which makes up 95% of most CBD oils. CBD Distillate from the cannabis plant. CBD Distillates are pharmaceutically extracted from cannabis hemp plant. The best CBD distillates are scientifically formulated using organically grown and harvested whole plant extracts. CBD Distillates provide the most vital active ingredients in the cannabis plant called phytocannabinoids.

#Cannabinoids #CBD #cbdconcentrate #distillate #cbddistillate

Last updated 2 years ago