benzogaga33 · @benzogaga33
851 followers · 25778 posts · Server

Je n'ai pas les mots: "Nouvelle arme gérée par IA déployée aux checkpoints en pour décider et tirer automatiquement si comportement suspect dun palestinien sachant que des enfants passent tous les jours par là pour aller à l'école...

#cisjordanie #distopia #mondedemerde #freepalestine #ia #intelligenceartificielle

Last updated 1 year ago · @nerdevil
107 followers · 420 posts · Server

Tenebre Future parte da buonissime premesse, ma i suoi racconti finiscono per risultare troppo didascalici e derivativi 📖
Recensione di @Lorexio16

#libro #libri #horror #fantascienza #weird #nerd #distopia #letturesegrete #LibriSegreti

Last updated 1 year ago

Mel · @Nadsah
64 followers · 57 posts · Server

¡Ya podéis escuchar "Tutamen", una ficción sonora en la que hemos puesto muchísimo cariño y cuidado!

"Europa, America y Asia desaparecieron. El mundo se convirtió en cenizas..."




#Podcast #ficcion #espana #fantasia #distopia #cienciaficcion

Last updated 1 year ago

Shivaprem · @shivaprem
3 followers · 91 posts · Server
Martinelli :blobcatcoffee: · @Martinelli
601 followers · 389 posts · Server

El futuro era estar yo aquí con una cosilla que me ha entrado en el ojo mientras el moñeco éste hace poses en bucle como un robot.

#cyberpunk #distopia

Last updated 1 year ago

Trex · @Trex
241 followers · 721 posts · Server

¿Es posible que al lado de esta en la que a veces parecemos estar viviendo, convivan también experiencias transformadoras que están construyendo ahora mismo una nueva sociedad en nuestros barrios y pueblos?

Obviamente las noticias no hablan de esto, pero me gustaría saber si vosotres también estáis viendo estos pequeños brotes...

Por nuestra parte lo vemos en las 532 que tenemos mapeadas:

#distopia #solarpunk #comunidadesenergeticas

Last updated 1 year ago

Shivaprem · @shivaprem
3 followers · 81 posts · Server
Shivaprem · @shivaprem
3 followers · 80 posts · Server

#distopia #ciudad

Last updated 1 year ago

filobus · @filobus
97 followers · 780 posts · Server

Pensa se i misteri di Eleusi fossero una pratica in cui firmavi un NDA (non disclosure agreement, accordo di non divulgazione) e ti riempivano di discorsi motivazionali...

#distopia #distopianelpassato #misteri #eleusi

Last updated 1 year ago

Víctor Morata · @victormorata
47 followers · 229 posts · Server

📹Este video forma parte de un nuevo proyecto al que estoy dando forma. En él quiero dar voz a aquellos escritores que voy encontrando en mi camino para que sean ellos quienes se den a conocer un poco más.

❓Siempre habrá tres preguntas para ellos. En sus respuestas veréis quiénes son y de dónde vienen. También conoceréis una de sus obras. En esta ocasión, os traigo a Pedro Nicolás Aroca, que nos habla de su libro «Memorias de Orden». Podéis encontrar más info sobre el autor en: o a través de su IG: @nicosenpai97.

🎙️Al final de las preguntas siempre os dejaré un fragmento de la obra de la que se nos habla. La voz que lo narra es la de Quique Lozano, profesional del doblaje, locutor, músico y actor. Si queréis saber más sobre él o contratar sus servicios, tenéis toda su info en

🔗Y bueno, a mí podéis seguirme en mis redes sociales a través del enlace

Eso es todo por hoy. Feliz sábado. 😉🖖🏼

#pedronicolasaroca #memoriasdeorden #nicosenpai #malbec #distopia #minientrevistas #3preguntas #escritores #aesct #victormorataescritor #victormorata #victormoratawriter #siervosdelaguadana #finalistadomingosantos2022 #escritoresdeinstagram #escribirficcion #escritoresenmurcia #proyectosliterarios #proyectoscreativos

Last updated 1 year ago

Pat · @Pat
166 followers · 3934 posts · Server


Retro SciFi Film of the Week…

Logan’s Run (1976)

The 1976 science fiction movie "Logan's Run" explores timeless themes of individualism versus collectivism through the lens of a utopian society where citizens are encouraged to prioritize pleasure over responsibility.

Director Michael Anderson creates a believable world featuring sleek architecture, intricate underground subways, and flashy laser guns. Throughout the film, characters confront ethical questions about sacrifice, morality, and mortality while embracing values like selflessness and altruism in their quest for survival. These ideas still resonate today because they speak to core issues of human identity formation and societal evolution that have persisted across centuries.

In conclusion, the visually stunning cinematography and groundbreaking visual effects combine with thought-provoking subject matter make "Logan's Run" a standalone work worth revisiting repeatedly. Its enduring value lies in challenging audiences to consider how far we should go in pursuit of happiness and longevity while respecting the dignity of every person along the way. Although some may dismiss "Logan's Run" due to perceived datedness or lackluster acting performances, the film remains culturally relevant for anyone interested in exploring intergenerational conflicts and the consequences of scientific progress run amok.

Enjoy your journey back in time!

(This review was written by Model: oasst-sft-6-llama-30b.)

accessible description:

an animated gif video of a robot from the movie named “Box”. He is metalic silver that has an android-looking top and a boxy bottom and torso. His arms are spread out and he is moving them and opening and closing his hands over and over...

#box #science #fiction #sciencefiction #scifi #ftw #sfftw #film #movie #physics #thirty #utopia #distopia #technology #ai

Last updated 1 year ago

Pat · @Pat
166 followers · 3934 posts · Server


Retro SciFi Film of the Week…

Logan’s Run (1976)

The 1976 science fiction movie "Logan's Run" explores timeless themes of individualism versus collectivism through the lens of a utopian society where citizens are encouraged to prioritize pleasure over responsibility.

Director Michael Anderson creates a believable world featuring sleek architecture, intricate underground subways, and flashy laser guns. Throughout the film, characters confront ethical questions about sacrifice, morality, and mortality while embracing values like selflessness and altruism in their quest for survival. These ideas still resonate today because they speak to core issues of human identity formation and societal evolution that have persisted across centuries.

In conclusion, the visually stunning cinematography and groundbreaking visual effects combine with thought-provoking subject matter make "Logan's Run" a standalone work worth revisiting repeatedly. Its enduring value lies in challenging audiences to consider how far we should go in pursuit of happiness and longevity while respecting the dignity of every person along the way. Although some may dismiss "Logan's Run" due to perceived datedness or lackluster acting performances, the film remains culturally relevant for anyone interested in exploring intergenerational conflicts and the consequences of scientific progress run amok.

Enjoy your journey back in time!

(This review was written by Model: oasst-sft-6-llama-30b.)

accessible description:

an animated gif video of a robot from the movie named “Box”. He is metalic silver that has a android-looking top and a boxy bottom. His arms are spread out and he is moving them and opening and closing his hands over and over...

#science #fiction #sciencefiction #scifi #ftw #sfftw #film #movie #physics #thirty #utopia #distopia #technology #ai #box

Last updated 1 year ago

Pat · @Pat
166 followers · 3934 posts · Server


Retro SciFi Film of the Week…

Logan’s Run (1976)

The 1976 science fiction movie "Logan's Run" explores timeless themes of individualism versus collectivism through the lens of a utopian society where citizens are encouraged to prioritize pleasure over responsibility.

Director Michael Anderson creates a believable world featuring sleek architecture, intricate underground subways, and flashy laser guns. Throughout the film, characters confront ethical questions about sacrifice, morality, and mortality while embracing values like selflessness and altruism in their quest for survival. These ideas still resonate today because they speak to core issues of human identity formation and societal evolution that have persisted across centuries.

In conclusion, the visually stunning cinematography and groundbreaking visual effects combine with thought-provoking subject matter make "Logan's Run" a standalone work worth revisiting repeatedly. Its enduring value lies in challenging audiences to consider how far we should go in pursuit of happiness and longevity while respecting the dignity of every person along the way. Although some may dismiss "Logan's Run" due to perceived datedness or lackluster acting performances, the film remains culturally relevant for anyone interested in exploring intergenerational conflicts and the consequences of scientific progress run amok.
Enjoy your journey back in time!

(This review was written by Model: oasst-sft-6-llama-30b.)

accessible description:

an animated gif video of a robot from the movie named “Box”. He is metalic silver that has a android-looking top and a boxy bottom. His arms are spread out and he is moving them and opening and closing his hands over and over...

#fiction #science #sciencefiction #scifi #ftw #sfftw #film #movie #physics #thirty #utopia #distopia #technology #ai #box

Last updated 1 year ago

Pat · @Pat
166 followers · 3934 posts · Server


Retro SciFi Film of the Week…

Logan’s Run (1976)

The 1976 science fiction movie "Logan's Run" explores timeless themes of individualism versus collectivism through the lens of a utopian society where citizens are encouraged to prioritize pleasure over responsibility.

Director Michael Anderson creates a believable world featuring sleek architecture, intricate underground subways, and flashy laser guns. Throughout the film, characters confront ethical questions about sacrifice, morality, and mortality while embracing values like selflessness and altruism in their quest for survival. These ideas still resonate today because they speak to core issues of human identity formation and societal evolution that have persisted across centuries.

In conclusion, the visually stunning cinematography and groundbreaking visual effects combine with thought-provoking subject matter make "Logan's Run" a standalone work worth revisiting repeatedly. Its enduring value lies in challenging audiences to consider how far we should go in pursuit of happiness and longevity while respecting the dignity of every person along the way. Although some may dismiss "Logan's Run" due to perceived datedness or lackluster acting performances, the film remains culturally relevant for anyone interested in exploring intergenerational conflicts and the consequences of scientific progress run amok.
Enjoy your journey back in time!

(This review was written by Model: oasst-sft-6-llama-30b.)

accessible description:

an animated gif video of a robot from the movie named “Box”. He is metalic silver that has a android-looking top and a boxy bottom. His arms are spread out and he is moving them and opening and closing his hands over and over...

#science #fiction #scifi #ftw #sfftw #distopia #technology #ai #box #sciencefiction #film #movie #physics #thirty #utopia

Last updated 1 year ago

Llegará el día en el que el sistema decidirá lo que cree que te conviene.
¿’Querías un iPhone?
Nuestra base de datos indica que necesitas proteínas.
El dinero sobrante se destinará al mantenimiento de Sistema, tu ángel guardián’.


Last updated 1 year ago

serrq · @serrq
18 followers · 129 posts · Server

'In Time', adesso su Mediaset 20.

Un film distopico. La vita degli uomini dura 25 anni. Il tempo è l'unica moneta: si guadagna, si spende. Chi lo spreca muore.

#film #dtt #mediaset20 #distopia

Last updated 1 year ago

El panel social muestra otra noticia:
‘El presidente de firma un acuerdo para comprar cohetes de propileno. “Es una buena noticia para nuestro ejército”, ha declarado en rueda de prensa’.
La población aplaude, enfervorecida.

#espanistan #distopia

Last updated 1 year ago

El panel social muestra una noticia:
‘Un soldado norteamericano deserta, y cuenta la verdad sobre lo que ocurrió en Roquetas de Mar’.


Last updated 1 year ago

Y lo de que ahora no hay ignorancia…
Mucha gente no sabe las consecuencias de las diferentes ideologías…
Y me refiero a gente de ahora, que lo único que lee son mensajes escritos por otros en redes sociales, y mensajes interesados que les manipulan…


Last updated 1 year ago

Víctor Morata · @victormorata
44 followers · 212 posts · Server

📹 Este video forma parte de un nuevo proyecto al que estoy dando forma. En él quiero dar voz a aquellos escritores que voy encontrando en mi camino para que sean ellos quienes se den a conocer un poco más.

❓ Siempre habrá tres preguntas para ellos. En sus respuestas veréis quiénes son y de dónde vienen. También conoceréis una de sus obras. En esta ocasión, os traigo a Tali Rosu, que nos habla de su libro «Carne de chino». Podéis encontrar más info sobre la autora en:

🎙️ Al final de las preguntas siempre os dejaré un fragmento de la obra de la que se nos habla. La voz que lo narra es la de Quique Lozano, profesional del doblaje, locutor, músico y actor. Si queréis saber más sobre él o contratar sus servicios, tenéis toda su info en

🔗 Y bueno, a mí podéis seguirme en mis redes sociales a través del enlace

Eso es todo por hoy. Feliz sábado. 😉🖖🏼

#talirosu #carnedechino #distopia #cuatrohojas #minientrevistas #3preguntas #escritores #aesct #victormorataescritor #victormorata #victormoratawriter #siervosdelaguadana #finalistadomingosantos2022 #escritoresdeinstagram #escribirficcion #escritoresenmurcia #proyectosliterarios #proyectoscreativos

Last updated 1 year ago