Would love to research some ideas about solving this problem but I just plain don't know enough about to know what's what. Further, it's unlikely that one undergraduate student could solve the health care crisis in the USA. That's too big a project to take on.

#distributist #distributism #sigh

Last updated 2 years ago

Would love to research some ideas about solving this problem but I just plain don't know enough about to know what's what. Further, one undergraduate student is unlikely to solve the health care crisis in the USA. That's too big a project to take on.

#distributist #distributism #sigh

Last updated 2 years ago

> Hi there! I'm Catherine, and I live and work in the northeast metro, although I'm originally from . I'm an by profession and a by temperament and identity. I am also a working on degrees in professional and creative writing.

I'm a and currently worship with the , although I'm not eligible for canonical membership. I'm also and, in 2019, I was to a great Catholic man. Thus, I'm a and a to five great people, three of whom are minors. I am also currently discerning as a Lay .

Politically, I'm a and who (mostly) agrees with the party.

In my off-hours, I enjoy , , , and . I'm also just dipping my toes into and .

And yes, I use a lot of hashtags. 😏 But they're relevant, I promise!

#introduction #atlanta #EasternNC #EmployeeBenefitsSpecialist #writer #student #catholic #revert #Ordinariate #divorced #remarried #wife #stepmom #Cistercian #distributist #NewFeminist #AmSolidarity #gardening #photography #fandom #cats #genealogy #familyhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

🄻 🅇 & 🅁 · @canonicalbrud
33 followers · 164 posts · Server social.coop

👀 Looking for a great / idea to put into policy? Check this out 👇

#distributism #distributist

Last updated 5 years ago