SciFi movies released in 2009…pick your favorite.
#StarTrek2009 #StarTrek #StarTrekKelvin
#startrek2009 #startrek #startrekkelvin #district9 #avatar #terminatorsalvation #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
Today, June 3, 1982, humans cut into the alien ship that has hovered above Johannesburg, South Africa for the last three months. Upon entering, they discover more than a million sick and malnourished insectoid alien refugees (District 9, 2009)
#film #movies #cinemastodon #letterboxd #district9 #scifi
Today, June 3, 1982, humans cut into the alien ship that has hovered above Johannesburg, South Africa for the last three months. Upon entering, they discover more than a million sick and malnourished insectoid alien refugees (District 9, 2009)
#film #movies #cinemastodon #letterboxd #district9 #scifi
Neill Blomkamp, el director de #District9 y #Elysium, así como la futura #GranTurismo, está interesado en hacer una película de #Metroid :3.
#district9 #elysium #granturismo #metroid
Kotaku: After 25 Years, Sigourney Weaver Says She’s Done With Alien #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #alienresurrection #sigourneyweaver #alien3acovenant #alienvspredator #creativeworks #neillblomkamp #harrisonford #fedealvarez #ellenripley #noahhawley #district9 #chappie #alien5 #aliens #alien #films #jones
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #alienresurrection #sigourneyweaver #alien3acovenant #alienvspredator #creativeworks #neillblomkamp #harrisonford #fedealvarez #ellenripley #noahhawley #district9 #chappie #alien5 #aliens #alien #films #jones
Kotaku: Police Bodycam Game Explodes, But Not Without Doubt And Controversy #gaming #tech #kotaku #callofduty3amodernwarfare #videogamedevelopment #firstpersonshooters #softwaredevelopment #alexandrespindler #neillblomkamp #windowsgames #prerendering #digitalmedia #videogaming #policequest #coversystem #readyornot #videogame #district9 #ubisoft #gaming
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #callofduty3amodernwarfare #videogamedevelopment #firstpersonshooters #softwaredevelopment #alexandrespindler #neillblomkamp #windowsgames #prerendering #DigitalMedia #videogaming #policequest #coversystem #readyornot #videogame #district9 #ubisoft
How A Low Budget Alien Film Changed Visual Effects Forever
#behindthescenes #vfx #sciencefiction #district9
Day 17 of the #MarchMovieMadnessChallenge
March 17, 2023:
Favorite film directed by Neil Blomkamp
'DISTRICT 9' (2009)
#marchmoviemadnesschallenge #district9 #neilblomkamp #cinemastodon #FilmMastodon
Reminder that you don't have to wait for the release of this upcoming episode to enjoy #TTRPG-flavoured movie reviews.
We already have episodes about #Hackers, #Blade, #Delicatessen, #NeverendingStory, #FastAndFurious, #ElDiaDeLaBestia, #District9, #BrotherhoodOfTheWolf, #Stalker, and many more movies.
#ttrpg #hackers #blade #Delicatessen #neverendingstory #fastandfurious #eldiadelabestia #district9 #brotherhoodofthewolf #stalker
Early FX test from #District9
#OfficeCraft #OfficeArt #MastoArt #Random
#district9 #officecraft #officeart #MastoArt #random
4/16. #Distrito9 (#District9, 2009)
O #filme envelheceu muito bem. Gostei ainda mais da segunda vez. Os efeitos especiais e visuais não ficaram datados e o pano de fundo do enredo é ainda mais impactante hoje em dia.
Uma coisa que não havia notado quando vi no Cinema: [omitido para evitar spoiler] todos os aliens possuem uma marca branca na cabeça. Prestem atenção no que está escrito!
Um verdadeiro soco no estômago.
#distrito9 #district9 #filme #anime #mdgeist
#Chappie may not be quite as good as #District9, but it was still a really fun film with lots of nods to #Robocop <3.
Every 👏 Vote 👏 Counts 👏 . Always. Because you never know when you'll voting under these circumstances.
Speaking of which, #ATX is holding a runoff election tomorrow for Mayor and several city council seats, including where I live in #District9. If you haven't cast your ballot in the early vote, don't forget! #Zo
Had a listen to the Ribbon of Memes episode. I think @lordof1 and @RogerBW make a good point I hadn't thought of, which is that #District9 does sort of become an FPS after a certain point.
Complete with reusage of assets (return to same facility/map).
Saw someone on #YouTube complaining about the looks of certain aliens in films--Admiral Ackbar from #StarWars, whom they thought looked cartoony--versus the "prawns" from #District9, which they preferred
And I'm thinking, there's no public or officially documented visual of what an alien looks like. We have no idea. Every alien every depicted is an artistic interpretation. What is, when we finally meet aliens, we discover we were wrong all along?