Germany aims to connect 100,000 buildings to district heating every year #Berlin #districtheat #districtheating #districtheatingandcooling
#berlin #districtheat #districtheating #districtheatingandcooling
Most of Eruope is throwing perfectly good heat out the window.
"A report published this week by the global engineering company Danfoss estimated that in the EU alone, excess heat was equal to 2,860 TWh a year, almost the same as the EU’s total energy demand for heat and hot water."
It's time to talk #DistrictHeat
Why allow precious heat to literally go down the drain?
#DistrictHeat from largest #HeatPump system ever will serve 100,000 homes in Vienna, harvesting heat from the sewer - sorry "wastewater" - system.
#Helsinki energy utility Helen invests100M€ (incl. 14M€ govt. grant) in new #heatPump to produce 90MWth #DistrictHeat and 60MWth #DistrictCooling.
Heat source is wastewater, that has already delivered heat to the #KatriVala heat pump station, but with heat remaining.
Heat pump should be operational in late 2025 and deliver 460 GWh/a heat.
Too bad #SeasonalStorage is not included in this project, that could add value when power price volatility increases.
#helsinki #heatpump #districtheat #districtcooling #katrivala #seasonalstorage
#Helsinki energy utility Helen invests100M€ (incl. 14M€ govt. grant) in new #heatPump to produce 90MWth #DistrictHeat and 60MWth #DistrictCooling.
Heat source is wastewater, that has already delivered heat to the #KatriVala heat pump station, but with latent heat remaining.
Heat pump should be operational in late 2025 and deliver 460 GWh/a heat.
Too bad #SeasonalStorage is not included in this project, that could add value when power price volatility increases.
#helsinki #heatpump #districtheat #districtcooling #katrivala #seasonalstorage
The clean heat technologies that will be most cost effective in long term are clear - #heatpumps and clean #districtheat
But how do we get there?