@distrotube put out a video today suggesting that the #Arch community doesn't like people using his videos to install Arch. In fact, I've seen this sentiment about him several times from the #linux community -- stay away from his videos? I don't understand why. I've learned so much from him, and have been exposed to so many tools and tips and tricks I would have had no idea about otherwise. Why is he so maligned by some?
#Linux community: how do you feel about #distrotube. I've always really liked his content as I've found it both informative and entertaining. There are a lot of things I wouldn't have known about if I hadn't learned about them on his channel, but I've seen a lot of negative comments directed at him as well. Just curious what this community thinks of him.
#DistroTube рассуждает по поводу, #Linux Has Become Complicated And Limiting (GNOME, Wayland, etc)..
Считает что Linux слишкм усложнился и пользователи теряют контроль над системой и окружением по сравнению с тем, как это было раньше.
Yo #fediverse !
My name is Vovan and I'm engineering university student.
I program as a hobby and believe that after graduation I'll become cool full-time hackerman :D
By now I'm a little bit into #python, #cpp and #unixporn also i love #metal and #trackmania :D
Will absolutely love to take part in some beginner or intermediate projects or have a talk on mostly any topic.
Huge thanks to #distrotube and #thelinuxexperiment for introducing the world of #linux and #fediverse for me
Never used twitter or something like that, so will need time to get used to it. By far i love it
#linux #thelinuxexperiment #distrotube #trackmania #metal #unixporn #cpp #python #fediverse #introduction
The continuation of the linux rap😂
#linux #rap #distrotube #brodierobertson
#linux #rap #distrotube #brodierobertson
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IODmcCWVwE #BeautiflyCringe and I'm here for it! XD #distrotube
@ihor Чудове відео, для ознайомлення:
"After six years, we finally have a new stable release of Slackware. Like many of you, I've been waiting for this release for awhile, and I'm looking forward to running through an installation and first look today! Let's see if the wait was worth it!"
#distrotube #slackware #Linux #youtube
Los canales de #youtube donde aprendí poco a poco a usar #linux fueron los siguientes: #christitustech #ebuzzcentral #tutospc #locosporlinux #distrotube . Con que canales partieron Uds? Que canales nuevos me podrían recomendar?
#YouTube #linux #christitustech #ebuzzcentral #tutospc #locosporlinux #distrotube
Alright, today I stumbled upon a video of my favorite linux youtuber @distrotube Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke38lXVCvHg&ab_channel=DistroTube I recommend watching the video and joining the free software movement! #freesoftware #foss #distrotube
#distrotube #foss #freesoftware
@distrotube I'm just installing DTOS on a VM to see what it's all about.
It's installing a lot of stuff. I'm really interested to see how it works.
New Video ! Meetup with the one and only Derek from #DistroTube https://youtu.be/ZINqzE0a9M0 #Linux #xp
@Linux4Everyone I prefer Firefox forks like #librewolf or #firedragon over Vivaldi because it is not completely open source, it has property freeware code in it. The code is available for auditing, but you are not allowed to fork it, according to there user license agreement. I heard this on #distrotube
#librewolf #firedragon #distrotube
I’m an #awk fan (and by no means master) and I didn’t know some of the things @derek (a.k.a #DistroTube) mentioned in his video:
Nuevo vídeo de #Distrotube
Título: Turn Your Window Manager Into A Desktop Environment
URL del vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FX26s8INUYo
Alright so I couldn't decide differently but unsubscribe from the #distrotube channel. Luckily the last video he made was only footsteps away from me supporting him on Patreon. Which good YT channel should I subscribe now for good GNU/Linux tutorial content? 🙄
On YT's #foss -related videos...
About ten years ago or so up to ~3-4yrs ago, Nicole (NixiePixel) put up her interesting and informative Nixie Pixel Vlogs and OS-ALT channel (see https://www.youtube.com/user/NixiePixel and https://www.youtube.com/user/nixiedoeslinux )
For the last ~2.5yrs or so, there is now Derek's main #distrotube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVls1GmFKf6WlTraIb_IaJg
Cant say I agree w/ everything Derek presents, but so far, he has seemed fairly insightful on his :tux: material 😃
BoilingSteam's distro chart was prominently featured in this @distrotube@mastodon.technology video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wePUyopcsE Nice! #linuxgaming #linux #boilingsteam #distrotube
#linuxgaming #linux #boilingsteam #distrotube