#RishiSunak’s new #cabinet: #disloyalty and #disunity exposed by shake-up
Divided parties lose elections, but this #reshuffle shows that the #PrimeMinister lacks the means to unite the #Conservative tribe
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/aug/31/the-guardian-view-on-rishi-sunaks-new-cabinet-disloyalty-and-disunity-exposed-by-shake-up #ToryFailure #ToryInfighting #ToryDivision #GTTO
#gtto #torydivision #toryinfighting #ToryFailure #conservative #primeminister #reshuffle #disunity #disloyalty #cabinet #rishisunak
I love all people - short, tall, black, brown, white, orange, colored, uncolored, straight, gay, fat, skinny, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, sick, healthy, disabled, able, modern, archaic, old, young, poor, rich, unprivileged, privileged, working, not working, educated, uneducated, smart, dull etc
apart from the
#hateful or #discriminatory
the #bigots or those who cause other people/homes #sadness or #disunity.
#hateful #discriminatory #bigots #sadness #disunity
I love all people - short, tall, black, brown, white, orange, colored, uncolored, straight, gay, fat, skinny, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, sick, healthy, disabled, able, modern, archaic, old, young, poor, rich, cripple, walking, unpriviledged, priviledged, working, not working, educated, uneducated, smart, dull etc
apart from the
#hateful or #discriminatory
the #bigots or those who cause other people/homes #sadness or #disunity.
#hateful #discriminatory #bigots #sadness #disunity