Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
680 followers · 6526 posts · Server

new tiktok video: "period underwear doesn't work"

I've tried , , , and some nameless brand I found in a department store, and NONE of the I've tried for my actually works. I hate adding so much and to the by using "feminine sanitary products" but if washable period underwear doesn't work, that doesn't leave me with many options. I'm scared to even try a - - I don't see how they could possibly be reliable, or easy to put in. ah, if only we had more in , I bet we would have come up with an easily accessbale, not-cancer-inducing method of stopping periods altogether until we actually want to get pregnant (but with the runaway fascism of republican legislators, we'll be lucky to have access to any form of birth control at all in ten years. welcome to Gilead 🙃)

#thinkx #theperiodcompany #bambody #periodunderwear #menstruation #garbage #waste #environment #disposable #divacup #femalescientists #stem

Last updated 2 years ago

tether · @tether
312 followers · 2272 posts · Server

This week in a sentence, pretty much:
Finally started using a cup & hey I just read up on feeding all the plants blood but my mom is grossed out by the thought of blood-fed tomatoes so I realize it might be time to find a small house in the woods so I an grow herbs and plants thatll be well fed & have more doggos.

Incidently my sister sent me a link to one today, it's only 117k, so I only got about 116.5k to go, whee!

#gardening #menstruation #blood #ecofriendly #divacup #mooncup

Last updated 7 years ago