Antonio J. Delgado · @adelgado
74 followers · 719 posts · Server

Totally agree with what Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++, said "Don't overspecialize" and I would apply it to everything. The world change, and you never know when that thing is going to get obsolete or vanish. And I think you can apply this to many things from relationships to skills.

#bjarnestroustrup #cplusplus #specialization #diversify

Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
338 followers · 11099 posts · Server
Poetry News · @haikubot
841 followers · 8678 posts · Server
Diversify Mathematics · @diversify
2 followers · 6 posts · Server
Catarina :mastodon_oops: · @catarinac
756 followers · 7290 posts · Server

I used , listen to tutorials by the annoyed @brunomiguel with questions, but it is finally ready:
A collection of resources to and .

Contributions are welcome!


#chatgpt #giraffeacademy #diversify #decolonise #mathematics #diversifystem #diversitymathematics #decolonize #maths

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave Spector · @Dhmspector
645 followers · 1151 posts · Server

was a . As useful as it was for distribution of alerts and emergency info, we collectively allowed it to become a potentially deadly single point of failure… we collectively need to and our for

#twitter #spof #rethink #diversify #information #delivery #systems #publicsafety

Last updated 2 years ago

@mattmay bro
Bro do you even
/s 😄

#diamondhands #diversify

Last updated 2 years ago #technews · @technews
55 followers · 175 posts · Server
Kriszta Satori · @fulelo
2060 followers · 655 posts · Server

Of modern , with bones in the head that allow extra flexibility in the jaws. The finding suggests that lizards began to in the period alongside some of the earliest - rather than the Middle period as previously thought. Researchers say the discovery has important implications for understanding the rate of .

#lizards #diversify #triassic #dinosaurs #jurassic #evolution

Last updated 2 years ago

Kriszta Satori · @fulelo
2060 followers · 655 posts · Server

Of modern , with bones in the head that allow extra flexibility in the jaws. The finding suggests that lizards began to in the period alongside some of the earliest - rather than the Middle period as previously thought. Researchers say the discovery has important implications for understanding the rate of .

#lizards #diversify #triassic #dinosaurs #jurassic #evolution

Last updated 2 years ago

Smaran Dayal · @smaran
1437 followers · 410 posts · Server

Academia friends: could you recommend any BA programs in English which have gone through a process of reinvention to diversify or 'decolonize' their course requirements and offerings? We are looking for models as we begin work on rethinking the Literature major and minors at Stevens.


#decolonizetheuniversity #rhodesmustfall #butlerbannerproject #diversify #curriculum #litstudies #academicmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

DaN McKee · @Authenticdmckee
266 followers · 198 posts · Server

As it's World Philosophy Day today I thought I'd give this another shot. Last time the post got boosted lots, but responses with suggestions still remained thin on the ground. Keep boosting it, but more suggestions please!


Global and diverse Mastodon Philosophy folk - If you were structuring a two year course for 16-18 year olds to introduce them to epistemology, ethics, mind, and god, who are the female philosophers and philosophers of colour you would want to see take centre stage to diversify and decolonise a stale, male, and incredibly pale, philosophy curriculum?

The UK’s only A-level syllabus for Philosophy (AQA A-Level Philosophy) currently has some glaring omissions in terms of both representation of women (barely any) and representation of ethnicity (every named philosopher on the spec is white) on its reading list, caused by its generally problematic structure of focusing on ‘canon’ thinkers in the four topics it covers and no longer including political philosophy on the course. It needs changing, or at least supplementing by teachers outside of the curriculum, to give students a better taste of what’s out there than this limited and exclusionary vision of philosophy.

So what should we include?

Here’s links to the current spec contents if you want to know how it is being taught right now:

#worldphilosophyday #philosophy #epistemology #ethics #mind #theology #diversify #decolonise #decolonize #ALevelPhilosophy #alevel #curriculum #teachers

Last updated 2 years ago

DaN McKee · @Authenticdmckee
265 followers · 194 posts · Server

Global and diverse Mastodon folk - If you were structuring a two year course for 16-18 year olds to introduce them to , , , and , who are the female philosophers and philosophers of colour you would want to see take centre stage to and a stale, male, and incredibly pale, philosophy curriculum?

The UK’s only A-level syllabus for Philosophy (AQA ) currently has some glaring omissions in terms of both representation of women (barely any) and representation of ethnicity (every named philosopher on the spec is white) on its reading list, caused by its generally problematic structure of focusing on ‘canon’ thinkers in the four topics it covers and no longer including political philosophy on the course. It needs changing, or at least supplementing by teachers outside of the curriculum, to give students a better taste of what’s out there than this limited and exclusionary vision of philosophy.

So what should we include?

Here’s links to the current spec contents if you want to know how it is being taught right now:

#philosophy #epistemology #ethics #mind #god #diversify #decolonise #ALevelPhilosophy

Last updated 2 years ago

Prof Nisreen Alwan ☀️ · @nisreen
7962 followers · 336 posts · Server

Fun fact:
In Iraqi culture, when you meet friends or family you start the conversation with ‘shaku maku’ which literally means: what is there, what isn’t there? 😂

Share with me a traditional conversation starter from your culture.
Let’s this site 🙂


Last updated 2 years ago

Upstate Voice · @UpstateVoice
220 followers · 1120 posts · Server

Billionaire Investor Simon Dixon Tells It Like It Is With a Rant on Current Markets, Geopolitics, Ethics & Fiat Currency.

Financial literacy isn't really taught in schools. It's up to the individual, no matter their age, to plan for their future.

#diversify #freedom #freespeech #liberty #patriot #bitcoin #maga

Last updated 2 years ago

During the past year it is said that , has become the biggest , at least in terms of land.

Yes, , are a massive problem. It seems they are all into complementary industries and building up structures. For example, and have their fingers in as many, if not more, insidious pies than .

#billgates #landlord #agricultural #bigtech #diversify #oligarchic #amazon #google #microsoft #tooBigToExist

Last updated 4 years ago

Steve MacLellan · @SteveM2020
239 followers · 457 posts · Server

It’s starting to look like Alberta’s theme song comes from ‘Asleep at the Wheel’ but unlike the American country music group, Kenney isn’t winning any Grammy Awards for his performance. —

#abpoli #ableg #politics #diversify #rethink_energy #renewables

Last updated 4 years ago