mxrn · @mxrn
22 followers · 449 posts · Server

@ralph @crash

Da ich Aussagen wie "ich teile eure Ziele, aber lehne eure Methoden ab, deshalb arbeite ich nicht mit euch zusammen" jetzt schon öfter gelesen habe: Während der Proteste in Hong Kong 2019-20 war "Do not split", also , ein zentrales Prinzip, um die Schwächen friedlichen Protestes zu überwinden, ohne in Militanz als Selbstzweck zu verfallen.

Für eine fantastische Zusammenfassung empfehle ich Katharina Tais Vortrag beim 36C3:


Last updated 1 year ago

hambibleibt #riseup4Rojava · @hambibleibt
1314 followers · 2591 posts · Server

do mean that your local is for diversity of tactics or that XR in general is?

About your local group you will know better then I do, and I'm not judging on that in particular.

On XR in general, what I'm observing is:
- groups that mostly follow the lead of XR UK
- most groups having adopted the same ideology, strategy, out reach comunication...and so forth
- pushing strongly on the idea that non-violence is the best of all strategies and that this should be the only strategy being used
- pushing the idea that actions that are not non-violence should not be supported as it leads to failure
- pushing against ideas that opose this statement
- everyone using the same debunked study of etc. that being against

At one point in time, police might push you to be more criminalized. I fear that XR will respond with something like:
"we are not the criminal ones, we are the good citizens, look those are the criminal ones."

And that's not only a possible future cenario, did this already.

#rogerhallam #diversityoftactis #ericachenoweth #XR

Last updated 6 years ago