#NewReleases This Week: #InTheWoods ... -- #Diversum. Unlike a lot of so-called “progressive” metal outfits, these guys don’t sound like they’ll be opening for Journey anytime soon. In the Woods… (the ellipsis is key albeit hashtag defiant) update a Norwegian metal legacy dating back to the mid-90s, with plenty of crunch and gutterals that sound musical as well as dark. Fans of early Opeth and Katatonia should check this out.
#GreatAlbums, #Albums, #Reviews, #Prog, #Metal, #Doom
#Doom #Metal #prog #reviews #albums #greatalbums #diversum #inthewoods #newreleases
Wait, did In the Woods... release a new album today? I didn't expect that to happen. #metal #inthewoods #diversum
Progressive black rock and metal band In The Woods… returns with a different perspective on Diversum. Review at FFMB, https://flyingfiddlesticks.com/2022/11/25/in-the-woods-diversum-soulseller-2022/ #metal #heavymetal #blackmetal #deathmetal #avantgardemetal #SoulSellerRecords #Diversum #InTheWoods #Norway #avantgarde #progressiveblackrockandmetal #paganmetal
#metal #heavymetal #blackmetal #deathmetal #avantgardemetal #soulsellerrecords #diversum #inthewoods #norway #avantgarde #progressiveblackrockandmetal #paganmetal
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕November 25th Release #3🎧
IN THE WOODS... - Diversum🇳🇴🔥
6th album from Agder, Norwegian Avant-garde/Progressive Rock/Metal outfit🔥
WHIPPED➡️https://songwhip.com/inthewoods/diversum 🔥
@ClawHammerPR@twitter.com #SoulsellerRecords #InTheWoodsOfficial #Diversum #FFFNov25 #KMäN
#KMaN #FFFNov25 #diversum #inthewoodsofficial #soulsellerrecords