In a moment when we are deciding our legacy and our responsibility in the family of things, our impact depends on our willingness to transform.
May we make history anew on the wings of compassion, justice and hope.
For the leaders of our faith, for the investors of our resources, for the representatives of our congregations. #UUAGA #UUAGA23 #Divestment #DivestFromFossilFuels
#divestfromfossilfuels #divestment #uuaga23 #uuaga
You picked a fight with our generation, does it weigh on you at all? #UUAGA #UUAGA23 #Divestment #DivestFromFossilFuels
#divestfromfossilfuels #divestment #uuaga23 #uuaga
RBC, the largest financier of fossil fuels in the World, sponsoring this PGA Tour Event held on a golf course on the low lying sea shore of the Carolinas.
Doing its best to erase their own golf tournament. #ClimateAction #climateChange #FossilBanks #DivestfromFossilFuels
#climateaction #climatechange #fossilbanks #divestfromfossilfuels
If you’re wondering about that RRSP fee-free transfer from CIBC, here are the details if you didn’t get it in your own email Inbox. You have until 30 days after April 16, 2023 to transfer your plan(s) to another bank “without cost”.
#divest #DivestFromCIBC #DivestfromFossilFuels #CIBC #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #EndFossilFuels
#divest #divestfromcibc #divestfromfossilfuels #cibc #climateaction #climatechange #endfossilfuels
#KevinMcCarthy ‘represents’ #BakersfieldCA literally and figuratively! 👉
#KevinMcCarthy #bakersfieldca #foulair #icantbreathe #divestfromfossilfuels #exxonknew
#PrincessElisabethIsland will combine direct & alternating currents to bundle together the #WindFarm export cables of the Princess Elisabeth zone. It will also #facilitate the #exchange of #electricity with #GreatBritain & #Denmark & other wind farms in the #NorthSea . As a result, the island will provide #Belgium with large volumes of #RenewableEnergy & make the country #LessDependent on #FossilFuels
#Europe #FutureOfEnergy #WindEnergy #DivestFromFossilFuels #Climate
#princesselisabethisland #windfarm #facilitate #exchange #electricity #greatbritain #denmark #northsea #belgium #renewableenergy #lessdependent #fossilfuels #europe #futureofenergy #windenergy #divestfromfossilfuels #climate
The #WebOfLife is in #danger of #collapsing due in large part to #ClimateChange , #pollution & #habitat #destruction caused by the #FossilFuel #industry . We're working to #protect #species from these #threats .
#StopEcocide #ecojustice #EarthJustice #EarthProtectors #biodiversity #Degrowth #EarthFirst #OneEarth #OneEarth #environmental #ecology #MotherEarth #MotherEarth #DivestFromFossilFuels #StopCorporateGreed #GreedKills #crapitalism #ecosystems
#weboflife #danger #collapsing #climatechange #pollution #habitat #destruction #fossilfuel #industry #protect #species #threats #stopecocide #ecojustice #earthjustice #earthprotectors #biodiversity #degrowth #earthfirst #OneEarth #environmental #ecology #motherearth #divestfromfossilfuels #stopcorporategreed #greedkills #crapitalism #ecosystems
RT @ClimateReality
We can't move forward on #climateaction while being led by a #BigOilCEO. Join us in demanding Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber resign from his role at @ADNOCGroup so we can make real progress at #COP28. #ClimateJustice #DivestFromFossilFuels
#climateaction #bigoilceo #COP28 #climatejustice #divestfromfossilfuels
Beyond short-sighted, this move by away from Net Zero goals violates their stockholders best interests and their own fiduciary responsibilities. BOO! #DivestFromFossilFuels
"Asset managers can label funds as 'sustainable' while still investing in world’s largest #FossilFuel companies. The lack of regulation makes for a Wild West of sustainable fund management. Ten percent of the 108 funds examined had holdings in fossil fuel companies and a further 14 percent did not disclose all their holdings, preventing consumers from knowing whether their investments were financing oil, gas, or coal developments." via @DeSmog. #DivestFromFossilFuels
#fossilfuel #divestfromfossilfuels
#IPCC “To limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius—drastic action is needed to cut GHG emissions 43% by 2030. This will require a substantial reduction in fossil fuel use … and [increased] use of alternative fuels.” #DivestFromFossilFuels #divest @TIAADivest
#ipcc #divestfromfossilfuels #divest
Universities and colleges throughout the world must #DivestFromFossilFuels NOW. “Students have mobilized to push universities toward #divestment and alumni have joined the movement, even launching a *no donations until divestment* initiative.” @TIAADivest
#divestfromfossilfuels #divestment