Canada is so good at consolidation…”A second risk of cross-ownership is that financial problems, like fossil fuel assets suddenly losing value in the energy transition, would quickly spread, he argues.
“Bank losses would be felt most acutely by the largest shareholders of those banks, which turn out to be the banks themselves,” he wrote. “This is a recipe for risk contagion within the banking sector. “
#ClimateChange #EndFossilFuels #DivestNow #ClimateChange #CanPoli
#climatechange #endfossilfuels #divestnow #canpoli
Today, scientists and students built a "pipeline" on the lawn of the #Danish Technical #University, which has a 1-billion kr. agreement with #Total for research on extracting and burning greater quantities of #oil and #gas at reduced costs - a recipe for accelerated #ClimateBreakdown. At a time when #FossilFuels pose an existential threat to humanity, #DTU shouldn't be helping climate criminals wreck havoc on our world. #COP27 #ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice #divestnow
#divestnow #ClimateJustice #climatecrisis #cop27 #DTU #fossilfuels #climatebreakdown #gas #oil #Total #university #danish
Hey @bundesbank, habt ihr mal die Nachrichten gesehen? Weltweit sehen wir Extremwetter und Naturkatastrophen als Teil der #Klimakrise. Wenn ihr fossilen Konzerne durch eure Geldpolitik unterstützt, heizt ihr die Krise weiter an.
Investitionen in #Klimakiller stoppen!
#KlimaKrise #klimakiller #divestnow
RT @XRLueneburg
Die @DeutscheBank investiert in zerstörerische Industrien wie Kohlekraft und Rüstung und zerstört so unsere Zukunft. Das können wir nicht hinnehmen und haben gezeigt, dass an den Händen der Bank Blut klebt und sie über Leichen geht. Wir fordern: #DivestNow
#divestnow #banksagainstfuture
RT @xrhannover
+++ Deutsche Bank am Georgsplatz ist blockiert +++ Gegen die Finanzierung der Klimakatastrophe +++
Protest gegen die Investitionen der Deutschen Bank in Kohle- und Rüstungsindustrie. Kampagne von @urgewald mit deutschlandweiten Protesten.
#DivestNow #banksAgainstFuture
#divestnow #banksagainstfuture
Brilliant news! And a great victory for all the students who've been campaigning for this moment
More than half of UK universities have now divested from fossil fuels. It's time the Government caught up & ended all subsidies for fossil fuel extraction
Bill to divest NYC's funds from fossil fuel
"If we’re going to have any chance at actually bending the curve on CO2 emissions, we have to confront the capital that is driving it at its scale."
@urgewald @FossilFreeDe @350Europe