Andrew Chason · @Incomitatum
15 followers · 199 posts · Server
CellBioNews · @cellbionews
82 followers · 1662 posts · Server
Vito C. · @vito
175 followers · 79 posts · Server

POV: The referee has seen it differently… 🤨😋
POV: Der Schiedsrichter hat’s anders gesehen… 🤨😋

Pic.: @rattenscharfephotos

#pov #schiedsrichter #referee #opinion #geste #gesture #divide #teilen #divideetimpera

Last updated 1 year ago

TSM at Work · @tsmatwork
13 followers · 162 posts · Server

Less than 72 hours before the next great .

We’ve done the several times. We have documents, ( and otherwise), and . (We had past pull requests that were specifically about making our current pull requests easier!) We have scenarios queued up. We’ve got the work items on our . Not much left to do but and .

I hope the rest of the is as well- as my are.

#team #prepared #enterprise #conquer #divide #board #troubleshooting #pullrequests #ansible #playbooks #dryRun #cutover #production

Last updated 1 year ago

ParkHealth · @ParkHealth
4 followers · 639 posts · Server

The () was typically discussed in 22nd mainstream media within the context of a (G), with higher values denoting greater : G = AID / (AID + H), where AID represented the AI divide and H signified

AI-enabled civilizational destruction - ParkHealth

#ai #divide #aid #Gini #coefficient #inequality #HumanCapital

Last updated 2 years ago

WordofTheHour · @wordofthehour
2232 followers · 34377 posts · Server

: to keep apart by a partition, or by an imaginary line or limit

- French: divise

- Italian: dividere

- Portuguese: dividir

- Spanish: divide


Join our new subreddit for language learners @


Last updated 2 years ago

Nando161 · @nando161
414 followers · 15749 posts · Server

in light of the exposed about the obsession with being a manufactured to increase votes id like to remind you that we've been saying for years that the will try to and conquer the . and you are a if you are a cis LGB person who let the right sucker you into transphobia and voting for who will put in against us. they will come for you next.

#Emails #media #transphobia #moral #panic #conservative #right #divide #queer #Community #traitor #politicians #laws

Last updated 2 years ago

Aisuko · @aisuko
1 followers · 18 posts · Server
Timmy Cat · @TimmyCatChores
10 followers · 38 posts · Server

repost from comment section:

"Most people are against . US has always been a -class scam that preaches , , and in order to " and conquer" the -class.

You'll find are ignoring conservatism because they understand it's just a scam.

Every bogus eventually dies. Don't take it personally. "

#newsmax #fascism #conservatism #ruling #lies #conspiracy #Theories #hate #divide #working #young #generations #ideology

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
182 followers · 443 posts · Server

Just like aka the social media platform from the not so "free speech" is giving Donald back his account.
The thrives on and and this is part of their strategy.
As long as people don't have the 1% stays in power!
This is bad for our society I believe.

#twitter #hate #lies #tyrant #liar #elon #musk #meta #instagram #facebook #kkk #trump #establishment #divide #rule #oneness #ripfacebook #ripinstagram #ripmeta #TwitterMigration

Last updated 2 years ago

Poetry News · @haikubot
479 followers · 2501 posts · Server

The 1863's riots did start
Their thugs did the government dart
They attacked those of other races
And elites in the workplace
It's a blueprint that's torn us apart

#workingclass #history #poetry #riots #divide #limerick

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
184 followers · 418 posts · Server

Not much has changed in the last years.
More proof that "free Speech" is in fact a
's right-wing factions have taken a leaf out of Donald ’s playbook and baselessly claimed foul play and election fraud. Those claims have proliferated on social media platforms like , where Elon Musk’s acquisition may have added fuel to the fire that burned over into a riot in .

The man is a petty dying for And they give it to him, and rule, attention, no matter how, thats his business model.

#tyrant #sociopath #elon #musk #criminal #psychopath #fascist #billionaire #brazil #trump #twitter #Schemer #brasilia #bolsonaro #monster #corporate #divide #media

Last updated 2 years ago

fmc01 · @frankcat
34 followers · 917 posts · Server

@garius This is a bit simplistic - there aren’t enough older people to tilt the pendulum that far - Conservatives have managed to gaslight white working people about tax cuts, cutting public spending and globalisation (when it suits) - whilst busily exporting their jobs elsewhere and cutting or selling off public services like Healthcare - it’s not age but fear that drives this process and the older you become the more susceptible to fear you become. (Generations)&Conquer


Last updated 2 years ago

🇺🇦 Sean Prophet ⚛ · @sean
1093 followers · 1195 posts · Server

On every season of , on one or more occasions, one of the contestants finds themselves on the wrong side of a vote. They succeed in staying in the game, by using what has become central GOP strategy:

They spread lies and rumors to set two of the more powerful players against each other. The more powerful players repeatedly fall for this gossip ruse, and turn on each other.

How is it that humans have been living in civilization for more than 10,000 years and this and shit still works?

We've got several situations that fall into this category going on right now. But there's one in particular that needs to be called out:

In , long years of and neglect of the power have once again resulted in winter power failures and senseless suffering. Yet Governor (who inexplicably just got reelected) instead of fixing the problem is bussing helpless refugees across the country in freezing temperatures to try to embarrass vice president Harris, while at the same time his attorney general is trying to scapegoat and harass trans people.

When do the people of Texas quit playing "shitty Survivor" and hold these bastards accountable for actually governing their state?

#survivor #divide #conquer #texas #privatization #grid #abbott #kamala #paxton

Last updated 2 years ago

Renee · @Renay
138 followers · 43 posts · Server

Bob Dylan on :

“I think social media sites bring to a lot of people. Some people even find there. It’s fantastic if you’re a sociable person, the communication lines are wide open.

You can anything, blot out memories and change history. But, they can and separate us as well.”

-, 20 Odd Questions, with the 81-year old iconoclast

#wsj #divide #refashion #love #happiness #socialmedia

Last updated 2 years ago

FloFeed™ · @flofeed
44 followers · 40 posts · Server

A lot of people still don't 'get it'. The whole 'thing' was/is a giant psy-op—start to finish. , cause outrage on all sides, shut 'free' speech down. I don't care what 'side' you were/are on (yes, juvenile it is, like children taking sides, but regardless; the new 'parents' seek ), reactions are exploited. The exodus manufactured. Prob-react-solve/order out of chaos = free speech GONE—'' shot. Did you help 'them'? ... Next up, ? The chute closes in.

#mastodon #bird #control #nwo #divide #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

Haiku News · @haikubot
182 followers · 967 posts · Server

Covid choices change
Omicron wave alters path
New divide emerges

#haiku #poetry #COVID19 #divide

Last updated 2 years ago

WordofTheHour · @wordofthehour
2006 followers · 31462 posts · Server

: to keep apart by a partition, or by an imaginary line or limit

- French: divise

- Italian: dividere

- Portuguese: dividir

- Spanish: divide


Join our new subreddit for language learners @


Last updated 2 years ago

Beam Scotch · @beamscotch
21 followers · 50 posts · Server
Brian · @mammut
11 followers · 141 posts · Server

@ajuliana this was well written and provided a visual understanding of division. As a Christian it is painful to see used as a tool to . This split in Brazil and the weaving of and ideology deserves to be explored

#religion #divide #hate #evangelical #political

Last updated 2 years ago