@heathen It is a lesser form of #DivideAndConquer that almost everyone who isn't disabled for life can even recognize. This is colonial genocide in more covert forms. It is eugenics at the core. It is NOT FUCKING OK.
#music #musik #musikken #musica #musique
#IDLES - #DIVIDEandCONQUER (Live from BBC Introducing at Glastonbury)
#Music #musik #musikken #musica #musique #idles #divideandconquer #pouetradio #tootradio #fediradio #mastoradio
What Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán Understand About Your Brain
By Marcel Danesi, 07/30/2023
"My research analyzes real speeches made by politicians past and present, including those of #Trump, #Orbán and #Putin, using cognitive linguistics — a branch of linguistics that examines the relationship between language and the mind. What I have found is that throughout history, speeches by #dictators and #autocrats have one thing in common: they use #dehumanizing metaphors to instill and propagate hatred of others.
"It is well-documented that for example words like 'reptiles' and 'parasites' were used by the Nazi regime to compare outsiders and minorities to animals. Strongmen throughout history have referred to targeted social groups as 'rats' or 'pests' or 'a plague.'"
#LittleManWithin #DivideAndConquer #Propaganda #Dictators #Fascism
#trump #orban #putin #Dictators #autocrats #dehumanizing #littlemanwithin #divideandconquer #propaganda #fascism
As horrifying as are the consequences of #CultureWar for oppressed groups, remember that its function is to #DivideAndConquer- so as to avoid all-out #ClassWar.
Regan's unholy alliance with Pat Robertson ushered in this era of #WhiteChristianNationalism upon which the oligarchs (by way of #RepresentativeDemocracy), misdirect and zap our limited energy and resources, and distract us from their theft of everything valuable; including planetary life.
#WakeUp people, before it's too late!
'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain oligarch rule!
We the people, will not experience life, liberty and happiness until we wrest control of our lives from the ruling class!
#SystemFail #NoWarButClassWar #culturewar #divideandconquer #classwar #WhiteChristianNationalism #RepresentativeDemocracy #WakeUp #representativedemocracyisneither #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy #getinvolved #organize
#Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie says it will save her municipality $1 billion over 10 years and make it more efficient.
#Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown claims Mississauga owes Brampton close to a billion dollars and will take it to court if they don’t pay their share back.
#Ontario #Premier #DougFord said Brampton was not going to be “shafted by Mississauga”
Who you gonna believe?
#mississauga #brampton #ontario #premier #dougford #divideandconquer #ontpoli
The real reason for this neurosis..
RT @HueroProfe
The real reason for this neurosis is the reason the race concept was invented in the first place: labor management and social control by division. #DivideAndConquer
‘Nonsensical’: Indigenous leaders say no point in regional voices without national body
#divideandconquer #yestothevoice
There is no such thing as a "nuclear family", yet #capitslism keeps telling us it's really important.
Gen. #MichaelFlynn warns #China is dividing US and its allies in push for #globaldomination #DivideAndConquer
#divideandconquer #globaldomination #China #michaelflynn
#MichaelFlynn warns #China is dividing US and its allies in push for #globaldomination #DivideAndConquer
#divideandconquer #globaldomination #China #michaelflynn
#IDLES #DivideAndConquer #liveperformance
#music #musik #musikken #musica #musique
#WeAreTheRadio #TootRadio #MastoRadio #FediRadio #pouetradio
#idles #divideandconquer #liveperformance #Music #musik #musikken #musica #musique #wearetheradio #tootradio #mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio
Apposite #Lockhart:
"in these latter days differences of religion came into play, which stirred up the consciences of some, and were a fair pretence to carry on and cover the ambitious and selfish designs of others. Of which Queen Elizabeth taking advantage, so fomented and encouraged these divisions (by supporting the weaker party and keeping contenders in as equal power as possible that they might destroy one another) that the nation was totally divided and at odds."
' DeSantis, whether intentionally or by happenstance, is attacking marginalized groups on issues where there is division among marginalized groups. He is exploiting anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-Black sentiments among groups who themselves are exploited, so that they fight one another — or at least don’t fight for one another — rather than throwing more of their energy into fighting him. '
#DeSantos #Florida #DivideAndConquer #PoliticalStrategy #fascism
#fascism #politicalstrategy #divideandconquer #florida #desantos
Marginalized groups fight
Desantis' 'wicked wisdom' leads
Divide and conquer rule
#desantis #florida #divideandconquer #haiku #poetry
#haiku #poetry #desantis #florida #divideandconquer
#FredHampton on #RaceAndClass & the use of #DivideAndConquer
#fredhampton #raceandclass #divideandconquer
"technology can be used to liberate people or to chain people" [Paul Laverty].
#interview #OMN #openmedianetwork #Technology #film #kenloach #gigeconomy #uk #workersrights #strike #Europe #neoliberalism #amazon #blame #narrative #divideandconquer
#interview #omn #openmedianetwork #technology #film #kenloach #gigeconomy #uk #workersrights #strike #europe #neoliberalism #amazon #blame #narrative #divideandconquer
"technology can be used to liberate people or to chain people" [Paul Laverty].
#interview #Technology #film #kenloach #gigeconomy #uk #workersrights #strike #Europe #neoliberalism #amazon #blame #narrative #divideandconquer
#interview #technology #film #kenloach #gigeconomy #uk #workersrights #strike #europe #neoliberalism #amazon #blame #narrative #divideandconquer
So is it a #battleforattention ... or the good ol' #divideandconquer
#battleforattention #divideandconquer