Maria · @Maria
61 followers · 317 posts · Server

Let us praise Mary the Virgin, for she is the glory of the whole world; she sprang forth from the human race, and gave birth to the Master; she is the portal of Heaven; the song of the Bodiless Powers, and the adornment of the faithful. She has been shown forth as Heaven, and as a Temple of the Godhead. She has broken down the dividing wall of enmity, bringing us peace, and has opened up the Kingdom. Therefore, having Her as our anchor of Faith, we have an invincible Champion the Lord, born of Her. Take courage then; take courage, you people of God, for He, as the Almighty will vanquish the enemies.

#HolySaturday #OrthodoxChristian #christianorthodoxy #divineliturgyofsaintbasil #saintbasilthegreat

Last updated 1 year ago