It’s Divine Physics Tarot (link in bio) Saturday! Let’s see what the stars, galaxies, and nebulae have to say about today’s energies.
Gather your powers before heading out to adventures.
That bright Knight of Wands (Supernova N63A) looks ready to take off, but you need to prep some before you go. Access your inner Emperor (M82 Cigar Galaxy, a starburst galaxy), or maybe someone near you with a large leadership presence to guide your activities today. Yes, planning is necessary.
Also, check in with resources at home. You should have plenty to invest in this adventure (9 of Pentacles—Yellow balls feature in our Milky Way galaxy). Now, get going on that adventure project!
#tarotreadersofinstagram #divinephysicstarot
It’s Divine Physics Tarot (link in bio) Saturday! Let’s see what the stars, galaxies, and nebulae have to say about today’s energies.
Stay open to a new idea that will lead to success and transformation. Awesome!
An important message is coming your way; keep your mind open, says the Ace of Swords (edge view of UGC5130 galaxy with a much closer star photobombing at the bottom). This idea has plenty of promise for success (6 of Wands—cluster of young stars).
And this initial success is a big deal. Rebirth (Cone Nebula’s Snowflake Cluster) is a call to renewal and to action in your life purpose. We need to hear the messages **you** are getting from the universe. Go!
#tarotreading #divinephysicstarot
It’s Divine Physics Tarot ( Saturday! Let’s see what the stars, galaxies, and nebulae have to say about today’s energies.
Persist in the work and the rewards will arrive.
The Knight of Disks (Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex) has his tiny blue eyes on his vision of success (3 of Wands—ionized gas in southern Milky Way). If you look carefully, you can see your own ships coming in through the opening. One of the gifts coming through is a message (Page of Cups—reflection nebula) that will cheer you and put more light on your rewards.
Keep your eyes on the prize as you work today, and listen for good news.
#tarotreadersofinstagram #divinephysicstarot
Let’s see what the stars, galaxies, and nebulae have to say about today’s energies.
The 9 of Swords (a section of the Orion Nebula) indicates we might be dealing with some nightmare scenarios that are keeping us in worry mode.
The Tarot asks us to call on our higher mind and organizational tools to blow the clouds of fear away (Emperor—Cigar Galaxy, and King of Swords—Calabash Nebula).
You are so in charge here; wake up and build solutions.
#tarotreaders #divinephysicstarot