@EboMike I remember our Manager was asked about company loyalty in a team meeting - who then pointedly explained that he didn’t understand the concept. Lesson learnt. To quote Dolly Magazine “Don’t expect l ove, expect a paycheque.
I admire Esther’s opportunism - pity it didn’t work out but we are all both victims and extensions of the system
Finally I seriously doubt anyone on their deathbed wishes they had spent more of their life at work. #DivineRightofCapital
@Taco_lad @maudenificent Inflation generally results in bigger profit margins Business expects prices to rise faster than inflation and … what a surprise … thats exactly what prices do! To call the activity of the Reserve Bank & Treasury as economic management is laughable - they just let the economy career out of control like a dodgem car bouncing from boom to bust. Western exonomies have more in common with gambling casinos than regulated markets. #DivineRightOfCapital
@jalefkowit Ah! Musk riding roughshod on API’s it’s called the #DivineRightOfCapital! Elon you can take the bat and ball but then you’ll just be playing with yourself. We have gone from #NoblesseObligé to #NoblesseOublié
#noblesseoublie #noblesseoblige #divinerightofcapital