no #walmart shift to day. slept in till 9 with my darling child, Finger. the only living thing aside from the rats in the walls who hasn’t been wrenched away by the custody people. my only trip out was to score 12,000 calories of popeyes chicken and an ambien refill.
this is #DivorcedLife .
Starting over after a marriage ends and you're devastated:
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#divorce #love #familylaw #divorcesupport #marriage #divorced #relationships #coparenting #separation #divorcerecovery #breakup #divorcecoach #divorceadvice #narcissist #divorcedmom #narcissisticabuse #divorcelawyer #lawyer #Emotionalabuse #Mediation #domesticviolence #divorcehelp #selflove #lifeafterdivorce #family #divorcequotes #divorcedlife #healing #toxicrelationships #childsupport