Not Ready To Make Nice by Dixie Chicks.
#DixieChicks #TheChicks
Una bella canzone #country del trio di interpreti #DixieChicks
La canzone (bellissima) è di #MaiaSharp una cantautrice statunitense semplicemente stellare che già avevo segnalato qui nella canzone insieme ad #ArtGarfunkel
#country #dixiechicks #maiasharp #ArtGarfunkel #mastoradio
#CancelCulture is what #BananaRepublicans call the historical phenomenon of #McCarthyism , but when THEY are the ones being cancelled.
The practice re-started in the 21st century in #Nashville when owners of #CountryMusic radio stations heard that the #DixieChicks had told a European audience that they were embarrassed by the #POTUS at the time. Oh, wait…
#cancelculture #bananarepublicans #mccarthyism #nashville #countrymusic #dixiechicks #potus
@thomasbeagle Depends on the mood - some I ❤️ :
All Along The Watchtower -
Little Wing - #StevieRayVaughn
American Woman - #LennyKravitz
Turn The Page - #Metallica
I Think We’re Alone - #Tiffany
Jolene - #MileyCyrus
Landslide - #DixieChicks
Higher Ground - #RedHotChiliPeppers
Hallelujah - #JeffBuckley
Killing Me Softly - #Fugees
Wild Horses - #TheSundays
Land Of Confusion - #Disturbed
Where Did You Sleep Last Night - #Nirvana
Simple Man - #Shinedown
Just Like Heaven - #EddieVedder
#eddievedder #shinedown #nirvana #disturbed #TheSundays #fugees #jeffbuckley #redhotchilipeppers #dixiechicks #mileycyrus #tiffany #metallica #lennykravitz #stevierayvaughn #jimihendrix
#EclecticCarnival #ECPL20230708 4 July
Why July - #Cleopatrick [Cdn]
4th Of July - #TheSweet
Cold Day In July - #DixieChicks
Love In July - #SallyShapiro
Warm July - #Sodastream
#sodastream #sallyshapiro #dixiechicks #thesweet #cleopatrick #ecpl20230708 #eclecticcarnival
#TheChicks #DixieChicks
Meervoudig grammy award winnende Country en bluegrass band opgericht in '89 opgericht te Texas door Martie, Emily en Laura Lynch samen met Robyn Macy die de band verliet in '92 en vervangen werd door Natalie Marines. In 2003 worden ze geboycot nadat Natalie zegt dat ze zich schamen dat president Bush afkomstig is uit Texas naar aanleiding van de oorlog in Irak.
Ze veranderen hun naam in The Chicks vanaf 2020 als protest na de moord op #GeorgeFloyd
#thechicks #dixiechicks #GeorgeFloyd
#TheChicks , formerly the #DixieChicks are coming back to #Nashville on their 2023 world tour! 👉
Many of their local critics, who pressured #CountryMusic radio stations to pull their music, such as #PhilValentine, are radio silent - because they were #unvaccinated 💉 and died from #COVID 🦠💀.
#SaveAmerica from the #DarkMAGA cult of ignorance and death.
#thechicks #dixiechicks #nashville #countrymusic #philvalentine #unvaccinated #covid #saveamerica #DarkMAGA
#TheChicks #DixieChicks
Meervoudig grammy award winnende Country en bluegrass band opgericht in '89 opgericht te Texas door Martie, Emily en Laura Lynch samen met Robyn Macy die de band verliet in '92 en vervangen werd door Natalie Marines. In 2003 worden ze geboycot nadat Natalie zegt dat ze zich schamen dat president Bush afkomstig is uit Texas naar aanleiding van de oorlog in Irak.
Ze veranderen hun naam in The Chicks vanaf 2020 als protest na de moord op George Floyd
Love this collab! 🎶 #Beyoncé #DixieChicks
Those were the days with the #dixiechicks:
#Weiah!!! - Deutsche bevorzugen bekanntermaßen die Selbstgeißelung und haben dies seit spätestens 1945 im Diskursrepertoire.
Die #DixieChicks hatten das 2003 intelligenter formuliert, als sie auf der Bühne in UK ihr Bedauern ausdrückten, daß George double-U aus ihrer Heimat Texas stamme.
Momma always said I'm not a smart man and I guess it's true, I can't seem to understand people who depend on an audience for their living, from #madonna #dixiechicks #robertdeniro #leolaporte to #cagcast why they feel at liberty to dump on anyone who isn't a leftie. You hate people right of center so much that you don't want me to even listen/watch/read your art/products? Wow, no wonder the Sith are still in business...
#leolaporte #robertdeniro #cagcast #dixiechicks #madonna
De Wöd steht nimmer mehr laung:
Was glauben diese Leute? Dass durch Namensänderungen sich alle Problem in Luft auflösen?
Sachlich völlig daneben - aber totaltitär unser Leben beeinflussender Ansatz!
#DixieChicks #AnteBellum