Can one in fact hear some funky Dixieland? As far as I can tell, it exists as a concept entirely within the Doobie Brothers' "Black Water".
Dixieland may just not be funky!
Pointers to actual funky Dixieland appreciated.
#funky #dixieland #prettyMama #music
(What do you mean, there are no flights to Kokomo? No, not in Indiana, the one in the Caribbean!)
#funky #prettyMama #music #dixieland
♬〜 Wynton Marsalis - Fireworks 💿Louis Armstrong's Hot Fives and Hot Sevens
#Jazz #ModernClassical #Blues #PostBop #Dixieland #NowPlaying
#jazz #modernclassical #blues #postbop #dixieland #nowplaying
♬〜 Wynton Marsalis - St. James Infirmary 💿Louis Armstrong's Hot Fives and Hot Sevens
#Jazz #ModernClassical #Blues #PostBop #Dixieland #NowPlaying
#jazz #modernclassical #blues #postbop #dixieland #nowplaying
♬〜 Wynton Marsalis - Jazz Lips 💿Louis Armstrong's Hot Fives and Hot Sevens
#Jazz #ModernClassical #Blues #PostBop #Dixieland #NowPlaying
#jazz #modernclassical #blues #postbop #dixieland #nowplaying
♬〜 Wynton Marsalis - Skid-Dat-De-Dat 💿Louis Armstrong's Hot Fives and Hot Sevens
#Jazz #ModernClassical #Blues #PostBop #Dixieland #NowPlaying
#jazz #modernclassical #blues #postbop #dixieland #nowplaying
♬〜 Wynton Marsalis - Twelfth Street Rag 💿Louis Armstrong's Hot Fives and Hot Sevens
#Jazz #ModernClassical #Blues #PostBop #Dixieland #NowPlaying
#jazz #modernclassical #blues #postbop #dixieland #nowplaying
♬〜 Wynton Marsalis - Potato Head Blues 💿Louis Armstrong's Hot Fives and Hot Sevens
#Jazz #ModernClassical #Blues #PostBop #Dixieland #NowPlaying
#jazz #modernclassical #blues #postbop #dixieland #nowplaying
♪♫ "If you're making money people don't think you're playing #Jazz. When you're not making money they think you're a great Jazz musician."
- Pete Fountain
#clarinet #dixieland @jazz
• •
#dixieland #music #BandshirtFriday
I found something on the internet about the "Oily Scarf Wino Band" including a snippit of them playing "Saturday night at the Salvation Army".
Their music was described as "a perfect cacophony of discord" by the head of the music department at UCLA.
They performed as a marching band at the Big Sur State park, with the tuba player wearing a top hat and tails.
I only heard them there but I hung out with them in Topanga canyon for a while.
Good times.
#BandshirtFriday #music #dixieland
Els #doctorjazzfriends, fa 100 anys, que ja hi erem😅😜. Davant la màquina de tren d'#igualada #maquinadetren #jazztradicional #banjo #dixieland #jazzclàssic #jazzantic #jazz #musica #anoia
#doctorjazzfriends #igualada #maquinadetren #jazztradicional #banjo #dixieland #jazzclassic #jazzantic #jazz #musica #anoia
la storia di un uomo che incontra quella che pensa sia l'amore della vita al commodore narratore lo racconta al barista e il pubblico del bar si rende conto che sono stati truffati dalla stessa ragazza .alla fine cantano tutti in armonia e si fanno una risata amara sul fatto che il club è ben popolato . #dixiechicken inaugura un sound meno #blues e più #dixieland stile new orleans #littlefeat vendevano poco ma la #warnerbros era solita lasciare tempo alle band in cui credeva per fortuna
#dixiechicken #blues #dixieland #LittleFeat #warnerbros
Oh! Una cosa preciosa del #festivaldejazzantic de #sitges és la tocada del dissabte a la tarda, pels carrers estrets del poble de 40-50 músics tocant jazz antic, trompetes,clarinets,saxos,trombons,banjos, tubes, percussions😍#parade #dixieland #jazz
#festivaldejazzantic #sitges #parade #dixieland #jazz
Aquesta setmana hi ha el meravellós Festival de Jazz Antic de Sitges!!! 😍 El dissabte també hi serem amb els #doctorjazzfriends #dixieland #musica #sitges #festivaldejazzantic #neworleans #jazz #catalunya
#doctorjazzfriends #dixieland #musica #sitges #festivaldejazzantic #neworleans #jazz #catalunya
das #Basisradio - rund um den #Globus
Diesen Samstag geht es nach #Afrika.
25.03.23 - 20 Uhr
Links und #Stream:
#Jùjú, #Fuji, #Highlife, #Makossa, #Kizomba, #Afrobeat #Tanz #Dixieland, #Blues, #Jazz, #Calypso #Soca
#soca #Calypso #jazz #blues #dixieland #tanz #afrobeat #kizomba #makossa #highlife #fuji #juju #stream #afrika #Globus #basisradio
God, what a fantastic song.
#Heritage #Dixie #DixieLand #TheSouth #Away #WellAllGoDownToDixie
#heritage #dixie #dixieland #thesouth #away #wellallgodowntodixie
Bona nit de #dixieland i cita amb la dona, que ja toca 🤗 al #elcafedelaula #Terrassa
#dixieland #elcafedelaula #terrassa
Climax Jazz Band Direct to Disc
#ClimaxJazzBand #vinyl #dixieland
This band was house band upstairs at the Brunswick House. Saw them there more times than I can count in the 70s and a couple of times Earl 2000s at Chick 'n' Deli which was walking distance from where I lived.
#climaxjazzband #vinyl #dixieland
In the brief moment between #Dixieland and #Swing, a generous dollop of Hot Mustard !
#FletcherHenderson #BigBand #JazzLegend
#dixieland #swing #fletcherhenderson #bigband #jazzlegend
A trumpet is for life, not just for Christmas #jazz #dixie #dixieland #tradjazz
#jazz #dixie #dixieland #tradjazz