#DIYMusicChat 30 minute warning! You ready to do a show-and-tell?
Show us your self-made music making tools and #instruments Show us something weird you bought from someone else! Show us that thing you found at a swap meet, yard sale, or street market in another country you visited once.
What have you got that is really special to you? We're showing off #DIYinstrument gear!
#diymusicchat #instruments #diyinstrument
Hey #MusiciansOfMastodon #Musician #Musicians #Musodon
What should we talk about for #DIYMusicChat this week?
Somebody showed off a homemade stringed instrument last time and got me thinking - what else do you make?
#DIYinstrument #HomemadeInstrument #Instrument #Craft #Handicraft #InstrumentMaker #Luthier #PedalMaker #ExperimentalMusician #Flutanist #Archetier #Windsmith #Instrumentalist #NoiseBox
See you this Sunday? We get started at noon, Central Standard Time in the US.
#musiciansofmastodon #Musician #musicians #musodon #diymusicchat #diyinstrument #homemadeinstrument #instrument #craft #handicraft #instrumentmaker #luthier #pedalmaker #experimentalmusician #flutanist #archetier #windsmith #instrumentalist #noisebox
This is how I built a DIY noise box from bits and pieces I had lying around and an old tin.
#diynoisebox #diyinstrument #noiseox #piezo #noise
DIY Capacitor Leakage Tester With a Professional Finish https://hackaday.com/2023/01/22/diy-capacitor-leakage-tester-with-a-professional-finish/ #diyinstrument #ToolHacks #capacitor #leakage
#diyinstrument #ToolHacks #capacitor #leakage
DIY Capacitor Leakage Tester With a Professional Finish - [Manuel Caldeira] has built a nice electronics work area that would be the envy of... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/22/diy-capacitor-leakage-tester-with-a-professional-finish/ #diyinstrument #toolhacks #capacitor #leakage
#leakage #capacitor #toolhacks #diyinstrument
Had an idea to try and make a #kalimba out of scrap materials lying around the garage.
It kind of worked, here's how I did it
#kalimba #diyinstrument #instrument #diy
Weil's mit Blechdosen so schön lief:
Suche #Gewindestangen, M5/M4, Edelstahl oder Messing, Reste ab 15 cm.
Es dürfen auch Schnittreste sein. Für den #Instrumentenbau. In Berlin Wedding/Mitte.
Sieht dann so aus:
#berlin #suche #freestuffberlin #seeking #berlinwedding #berlinmitte #soundart #diy #followerpower #diyinstrument
#diyinstrument #followerpower #diy #soundart #berlinmitte #berlinwedding #seeking #freestuffberlin #Suche #berlin #Instrumentenbau #Gewindestangen