#DWMC16 #DIYMinicomputer #BlockDiagram
It ainted dead yet.
I finished my first version of the DWMC-16s Block Diagram, mostly to count and design all the control signals that I will need to access the various functions of the computer.
#dwmc16 #diyminicomputer #blockdiagram
#DWMC16 #DIWhy #DIYMinicomputer
Just completed a post for the DWMC-16 design, where I take a think on Opcodes for the instruction set. Largely because I was wondering about writing a simple assembler in Python.
#dwmc16 #diwhy #diyminicomputer
#DWMC16 #DIWhy #DIYMinicomputer
We interrupt this broadcast for a few thoughts on interrupts of the DWMC-16.
#dwmc16 #diwhy #diyminicomputer
#DWMC16 #DIWhy #DIYMinicomputer
Got another blog post on my DWMC-16 project, this time another set of revisions and some new ideas.
#dwmc16 #diwhy #diyminicomputer
As the first followup on my initial post of the DWMC-16 project, I have done an initial design for an ALU that looks somewhat promising for use.
#diwhy #16bit #diyminicomputer #dwmc16
Well... I have bitten the bullet and written down a blog post about my initial idea for the DWMC-16 project that I am currently thinking about...
#diwhy #16bit #diyminicomputer #pleasesendhelp #dwmc16
Just put down the design for a simple 4 bit sliced ALU that I might implement for my DIWhy mini computer, created with the logic simulator program Digital, which is an easier to use LogiSim like program.
Possible operations are, Not A, A and B, A or B, A xor B, A + B, A + 1, A - B and A - 1, as well as checks for A == B and if Out == 0.
It also got its name, DWMC-16, for DIWhy MiniComputer 16-bit.
#diwhy #16bit #diyminicomputer #pleasesendhelp
Though... First I'd have to find cheap and useful Schottky diodes, transistors and test them for speed response when used in a DTL circuit...
Should be relatively easy with a signal generator and an oscilloscope...
#diwhy #16bit #diyminicomputer #pleasesendhelp