Updated the virtual tip jar with a new studio gear goal! We've done some research on pedals for electric guitar and electric cello use and come across the idea that we need a range of pitch shifting pedals.
Two, so that both of us may use one at the same time if needed.
Wanna see which we narrowed it down to?
If you'd like and are able, donate to the cause?
#MusiciansOfMastodon #Musodon #Musician #DIYMusicChat #GearGoals #MusicStudioGear #Wishlist
#musiciansofmastodon #musodon #Musician #diymusicchat #geargoals #musicstudiogear #wishlist
I lied. It's not a new track. It's a new shorter and remixed version of a LoFi HipHop track I made for a study-beats type of vibe.
I've cut the time from 10mins to 3mins, and cleared up the structure to make it easier to rap on before I uploaded it to Beatstars.
have a listen on #SoundCloud
Working on another LoFi HipHop track at the mo. Fun to work on.
#music #musodon #MusicProduction #HipHop #LoFi #DIYMusic #DIYMusicChat #electronicMusicProduction
#soundcloud #music #musodon #musicproduction #hiphop #lofi #DIYmusic #diymusicchat #electronicmusicproduction
Last week's #DIYMusicChat didn't happen, and I'd like to make sure this one does?
Who has a topic?
Do you want to cover something really specific? Something broader and more philosophical?
I'm havin trouble with trust, and being disrespected or dismissed by collaborators and colleagues. I don't super want to talk about it, and would LOVE if YOU could talk to me perhaps about what YOU found interesting, stimulating, inspiring, etc. about music lately.
What have you got? @diymusicchat
@drosophiliac @diymusicchat oh, that does sound sick. I can only imagine, til you find it for us. Wow.
Go hard or go home, (kidding!) but please come back with those beats! I do wanna hear that. Fkn LOVE that idea.
#rhythmroulette #beatmaker #sampling #diymusicchat
@drosophiliac @diymusicchat huh. That would be dope to #sample from, for sure!
#sample #sampling #rhythmroulette #diymusicchat
@Sakti that's so heckin cool. That's exactly why the rhythm roulette thing is so exciting, the way you used techniques.
I was super into the way the video example used a VERY warped record. It introduced problems, but also.. gave it character.. almost a story.
After seeing that #RhythmRoulette video, @InSearchOfMyRose let me blind pick some albums for a project. We did not do the fun record store trip though. I still want to do that.
Have you ever made a track from just samples??
#DIYMusicChat is ON, @diymusicchat fam!!
Let's start with a video link for context, since you might be unfamiliar with #RhythmRoulette style projects..
I was shown this video earlier this week and was so inspired by the challenge!
#Musodon #MusiciansOfMastodon #Musician #Musicians #Beatmaker #Beatmakers #MixMaster #HipHop #TrapMusic #IndustrialMusic #Beats #Sampling #Songstarter #SamplingTricks
#diymusicchat #rhythmroulette #musodon #musiciansofmastodon #Musician #musicians #beatmaker #beatmakers #mixmaster #hiphop #trapmusic #industrialmusic #beats #sampling #songstarter #samplingtricks
Hey #MusiciansofMastodon! This is the 2 hour mark before #DIYMusicChat today at noon my time (10am at this posting)
We're talkin #RhythmRoulette - have you heard of it? People blind pick 3 albums and sample them to make new tracks.
@diymusicchat have you done a challenge like that before?
What 3 #albums would you want to mashup? What have you heard others do?
Let's chat about it!
#Sampling #BeatMaker #Beats #BeatMaking #HipHop #TrapMusic #IndustrialMusic #Musodon
#musiciansofmastodon #diymusicchat #rhythmroulette #albums #sampling #beatmaker #beats #beatmaking #hiphop #trapmusic #industrialmusic #musodon
Yo. What are we chatting about tomorrow and why is it blind record store picks to sample from for Rhythm Roulette?
#DIYMusicChat #Sampling #BeatMaker #BeatMaking @diymusicchat
#diymusicchat #sampling #beatmaker #beatmaking
#DIYMusicChat starts now, fam!
This week we're doing @diymusicchat like an #AMA or "Ask Me Anything" session, and have a guest host, @InSearchOfMyRose
Until they log on, I'm here hosting!
What have YOU got for us? Ask away!
We've got background in both traditional and digital forms of music, and lots of broad musical or technical knowledge between us.
Chat is live!
#Musodon #MusiciansOfMastodon #Musician #Musicians #Composer #Guitarist #MIDI #MusicTheory #AbletonLive
#diymusicchat #ama #musodon #musiciansofmastodon #Musician #musicians #composer #guitarist #midi #musictheory #abletonlive
Waking up for #DIYMusicChat in approx 3 hours.
Did you save up something to ask or talk about today?
This week we're doing @diymusicchat like an #AMA or "Ask Me Anything" session, and have a guest host, @InSearchOfMyRose
#Musodon #MusiciansOfMastodon #Musician #Musicians #Composer #Guitarist #MIDI #MusicTheory #AbletonLive
#diymusicchat #ama #musodon #musiciansofmastodon #Musician #musicians #composer #guitarist #midi #musictheory #abletonlive
Sunday is fast approaching, fam!
This week's #DIYMusicChat will have a guest co-host, someone I work closely with often and trust their advice.. @InSearchOfMyRose
We'll be running it like an #AMA #AskMeAnything session, where between the two of us, we'll definitely have answers whether it is technical, related to #MusicTheory, or perhaps the more soft skill parts of just getting along in #Collab situations!
See you Sunday at noon, CST!
#diymusicchat #ama #askmeanything #musictheory #collab #musodon #musiciansofmastodon
This week's #DIYMusicChat on Sunday might have a special guest host @InSearchOfMyRose
If you've got a project that needs help, a mix that won't sit, a tech issue, etc.. bring it up now so we can prepare an answer?
#diymusicchat #musodon #musiciansofmastodon
Loving this webinar on "How to get More Gigs", coming straight out with the tough love:
"Unless you're going after an audience that likes bands that really suck, you have to be able to have people see you once and actually want to see you a second time."
@debonairetoast @diymusicchat I suppose I did! That's a more positive way of looking at it than I have so far. Your example definitely seems like a lesson in the benefits of being proactive by comparison. Kinda wish I'd had some more of that impulse sooner. We live and learn!
@Dace @diymusicchat in so many ways, I am glad to see things like my example so early on in knowing one another that nothing materially established is at risk.
For yours, I am empathetic to that struggle and discomfort. But it does sound like you learned something extremely valuable about yourself?
What you default need from others is often a reflection of how you established standards for your own conduct. It shapes your worldview and expectations of how others make decisions.
@rykthekreator @diymusicchat i prefer creating with others. Trust once established should be hard to lose under most circumstances.
This contact was going through some personal growth that despite his age felt very adolescent. He had maybe what could be metaphorically called "growing pains". Establishing that, another phrase comes to mind.. "hurting people hurt people"
He tried to climb up by pushing me down. It did not work out for him (nor me) like he thought. Like you said.
@debonairetoast @diymusicchat yup! It's especially awful if you've already sunk years into the project, effort and care into the music and enormous effort into playing it live together as a group. Really tests ones desire to mentally just sweep it under the rug in the name of convenience, and the time you can't get back. :/
@Dace @diymusicchat "willing to ignore behavior you can't condone"
Woof. That one hits home hard.