playing tomorrow concert in Berlin at Hosek Contemporary 23.8.2023 20h
myself as GubbiAnn, Lun Ário and Notorische Ruhestörung
#NoiseMusic #berlin #improvisedmusic #echtzeitmusik #diysynth
#NoiseMusic #berlin #improvisedmusic #echtzeitmusik #diysynth
Heads up #diySynth folks - if you happen to order panels from Pusherman UK (or anywhere, I guess) - request that they send you a good quality panel! I dropped some $$$ on them recently and got a panel that would be (verrry) optimistically called “b-stock.” :|
a bit of my music. tags in the end to not clog automatic readers.
#electronic, #ambient, #Berlin #diysynth #echtzeit #bandcamp #improvised #dronemusic #psychedelic
#electronic #ambient #berlin #diysynth #echtzeit #bandcamp #improvised #dronemusic #psychedelic
I am playing with my trio Wednesday 28.6.2023 at 20h gallery Zeitzone in Berlin Kreuzberg.
we play some improvised Psychedelic noise based soundscapes.
#NoiseMusic #noise #psychedelic #synths #diysynth #ambient #berlin #improvised #experimental
#NoiseMusic #noise #psychedelic #synths #diysynth #ambient #berlin #improvised #experimental
I am playing with my trio Wednesday 28.6.2023 at 20h gallery Zeitzone in Berlin Kreuzberg.
we play some improvised Psychedelic noise based soundscapes.
#NoiseMusic #noise #psychedelic #synths #diysynth #ambient #berlin #improvised #experimental
with @ecarcamocavazos and this time special collaboration with @lauraleiner9911
#NoiseMusic #noise #psychedelic #synths #diysynth #ambient #berlin #improvised #experimental
I am playing with my trio Wednesday 28.6.2023 at 20h gallery Zeitzone in Berlin Kreuzberg.
we play some improvised Psychedelic noise based soundscapes (check http.//
#NoiseMusic #noise #psychedelic #synths #diysynth #ambient #berlin #improvised #experimental
#NoiseMusic #noise #psychedelic #synths #diysynth #ambient #berlin #improvised #experimental
Moritz Klein and SimonTheMagpie are back trying to recreate the TR-808 cowbell using purely analogue electrontics
#electronics #Music #diysynth #TR808 #synth
#electronics #music #diysynth #tr808 #synth
New synth instrumental track “Carabina”
Empuñó su carabina
Con las muescas de palomas
De gorriones y jilgueros
Y botes de Coca-cola
Con ella se divertías
atizando perdigones
hasta que llego aquel oso
y le arrancó los pulmones
En tu lápida pusieron
escrito con pan de oro
“acertaba en los disparos
y fallaba en todo lo otro”
Este microcontrolador se llama Daisy Seed de Electro-smith. Lo que suena está siendo improvisado y sintetizado a partir de un programa que escribí para él.
Bonito, ¿no?
#daisyseed #diysynth
@telantas @abominable @etherdiver
The human touch has arrived. for once the lyrics have been sung.
For the recording, she only had a contact microphone at hand, so the voices were shouted into a breakfast-sized steel saucepan.
Every synth crooner should sing through a saucepan, to the rhythm of a Romería.
New track: “Domingo de Romería”
A song to botany and against accidental poisoning.
“Paseando por el bosque
Voy cogiendo de la orilla
Las flores más coloridas:
Ramilletes de estramonio,
adelfa, junco y ortiga
Que dolor trajo el aroma,
De las esencias prohibidas,
Cuando quisiste oler
El ramo en la romería
Y, ayyyy, se te iba la vida.”
flier to concert with 3 bands next Tuesday in Berlin, at Lauschangriff.
#noise #berlin #noiseberlin #echtzeitmusik #improvisedmusic #diysynth
#noise #berlin #noiseberlin #echtzeitmusik #improvisedmusic #diysynth
Bells announce events. In this small bell tower there is a motor driven by the Koma Field Kit and a contact microphone that records the shrill tinkling. In addition, the Bastl Softpop2 hums a melody in low tones, announcing an incipient headache.
Hice una improvisación con la Máquina 8, un sintetizador semimodular diseñado por Circuito Sonoro Lab y ensamblado por mi en uno de sus talleres (¡vayan, vayan!). Espero publicar pronto el video descriptivo de esta máquina.
#analogsynth #improvisation #diysynth
#analogsynth #improvisation #diysynth
Working with a CV sequencer attached! #diysynth #electronics #ElectronicsMastodon
#diysynth #electronics #electronicsmastodon
Ok. That’s a proper sawtoooth wave. Went up 100x on the drain resistor. #diysynth #electronics
We have an oscillator! It’s a small win, but I’m happy. #diysynth #ElectronicsMastodon
#diysynth #electronicsmastodon