In #Django the date/time field offers "auto" fields to auto-set the values. I have written about dealing with these when setting up your test data with factory_boy.
*sigh* I've been using #IPython with #django-extensions shell_plus as my terminal in multiple #Django projects for over a year.
I _just_ realized that all of the various projects I've been building have been logging those sessions to the same _system_ IPython history.sqlite3 file.
A wee bit o' a #security oversight on my part... D'oh!
Somehow still getting income from the #Django book I co-authored in 2007. Wow!
Sure it's like $40 every year or two, but still, lol. lmao. interesting day for that to show up in the ol' bank account.
🎤 Django Day Copenhagen update 🎤
Full schedule is now available on our website:
Can't participate in-person?
We have both "Free streaming tickets" or "Streaming supporter tickets" (€8). By attending virtually, you can participate on our Django-driven Zulip chat and interact with guests and speakers.
#Morgenrunde mit dem Napfbefüller beendet.
Sind wieder ein paar gut riechende Laaaaadyyyyysss unterwegs.
Mal gucken, ob gleich eine vorbei kommt
Nen großartigen Wochenstart @all
#gutenmorgentroet #Morgenrunde #django #dogs #MastodonDogs #hunderunde #dogsofmastodon #Mastodonrudel #hunde #Leonberger #leonbergers #Mondog
#Morgenrunde mit dem Napfbefüller
Der weiß schon, wo er mit mir bei den Temperaturen hingehen muss
Sucht euch nen schattigen Platz heute
#Morgenrunde #django #dogs #MastodonDogs #hunderunde #dogsofmastodon #Mastodonrudel #hunde #Leonberger #leonbergers #sondog
Noch mal ne späte #abendrunde mit dem Napfbefüller gemacht und an meinem neuen Lieblingsplatz gechillt
Ne gute Nacht @all
#abendrunde #django #dogs #MastodonDogs #hunderunde #dogsofmastodon #Mastodonrudel #hunde #Leonberger #leonbergers #sondog
mi próximo acto de necromancia será revivir un proyecto en #python propio cuyo primer commit data del 2013 y su último del 2018, hace 5 años.
usa #django 1.6, que para quienes llevamos tiempo usándolo trae recuerdos escabrosos como que ni siquiera tenía su propio sistema de migraciones (introducido en django 2.0)
eso sí que va a estar bueno.
New post from the blog!
Implementing the strategy pattern in Django with JavaScript import maps
Reading about server side events using async iterators in #Django and #HTMX and remembering that in ~ 2000 a couple of us built a web based IRC client specifically for IE4 that received data from a protocol bridge that sent events to the browser by drip feeding them as lines of JS into a script tag in an iframe using a never ending response. Server sent a watchdog and the client would just refresh the iframe if the connection ever closed.
#django #htmx #internetgrandad
Was soll ich sagen - er IST der Hammer 😉
#django #dogs #MastodonDogs #hunderunde #dogsofmastodon #Mastodonrudel #hunde #Leonberger #leonbergers
#abendrunde mit dem Napfbefüller
Das ganze große, grüne Zeuschs um mich rum is echt zum aushalten bei der Hitze
Wenn er jetzt noch mit mir annen Fluss fährt, isser echt der Hammer
#abendrunde #django #dogs #MastodonDogs #hunderunde #dogsofmastodon #Mastodonrudel #hunde #Leonberger #leonbergers
#GraphQL and #Strawberry+#Django are a big upgrade from the DRF days, but I still feel like I’m typing the same metadata in 3-4 different places each time I add a field.
Challenge: make adding a GraphQL model as simple as adding a Django admin interface model.
Digging into a "Lost connection to MySQL server during query" problem should be more fun.
#abendrunde mit dem Napfbefüller.
Hier oben, nahe beim Wald ist es doch recht angenehm kühl
Nen tollen Abend @all
#abendrunde #django #dogs #MastodonDogs #hunderunde #dogsofmastodon #Mastodonrudel #hunde #Leonberger #leonbergers