🚀 Piccolo aggiornamento dal mondo del coding!
Popolo di programmatori,
ho aggiornato un bellissimo template chiamato DRFx a Django 4.
Passa a dare un'occhiata al mio fork su GitHub: https://github.com/dag7dev/drfx-django4.
Sono aperto a feedback e suggerimenti, quindi ti invito a farmi sapere cosa ne pensi! 👏🙌
#SviluppoWeb #Django4 #DRF #DjangoRestFramework #CodingLife #OpenSource #GitHub #Tecnologia
#sviluppoweb #django4 #drf #djangorestframework #codinglife #opensource #GitHub #tecnologia
I'm only about a third of the way into the book; but, I'm really getting a lot out of #Django4 by Example: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Django-4-by-example/
I've already picked up a few new tools to bring back into my earlier projects. Unlike William Vincent's great books, this has more of a function-based view focus, which is helping me look at things a bit differently. Fun stuff!