Sapere Aude · @textbook
439 followers · 40087 posts · Server

Liebe Fedinauten!

Die abgebildete ist verletzt und fรผr eine fehlt uns die Expertise.

Wer sie also heilen kann, kann sie gerne haben.

Gerne !

#djembe #reparatur #rt

Last updated 1 year ago

Just Sayin' ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰

#djembe #perfect

Last updated 2 years ago

Bum (noun) โ€“ Synonym for โ€œ derrier, behind, booty, butt, rear end, backside, etc.โ€ in the United Kingdom and elsewhere."

'Old' Adage ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰
Sticks and BUMS might burst our drums But HANDS will only soothe them ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

"As long as you play your drum regularly, say at least a couple of times a month, there is nothing you need to do to the skin to keep it supple and conditioned. It gets most of what it needs from your own hand oils. As you play, the drum is actually absorbing your hand oils." Rhythm Traders Djembe Care and Maintenance

Based on my current weekly drum time, my drum skins should be dripping in human moisturizer!

#djembemaintenance #naturaloils #djembe #bum

Last updated 2 years ago


Bald Eagle does a fly by. Local residents walking by sit down for a listen...take photos and videos because they liked, no they LOVED what they were seeing and hearing. And WE...We Were All One...We were all DRUMMERS.

Feeling all the feels:

WONDERMENT at my good fortune to be there!
GRATITUDE for being healthy & fit enough to participate in classes, rehearsals and performances.
AWE for Gregg Hansen's, teaching methods that turn even non musicians into a competent ORGANIZED PERFORMATIVE TROUPE of drummers in an astoundingly short amount of time.
LOVE for the people who share the experience with me week after week

That's what YESTERDAY was for me. Spring is here & we can gather OUTDOORS to enjoy the colors & sounds of nature intermingled with the sounds of our drumming as we come together to create Gregg's vision for our upcoming performance season-shaping up to be AMAZING.

#Nature #djembe #sunshine

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph King · @musicman5464
18 followers · 94 posts · Server

Have some morning djembe drumming to start your day off right. :long_drum:

#audio #djembe #drumming #goodmorning #morningbeats

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph King · @musicman5464
18 followers · 93 posts · Server

I have a djembe solo thing that I just played, and of course, I had to record it.

#djembe #drumming #audio #improv

Last updated 2 years ago

have the SUPREME honor of having found, at my advanced age of 73, a group of people I now call my SOUL TRIBE. These are the people I drum with. Classes, rehearsals, practices, performances or just one or two of us in a sunny park on a pleasant day. They're people I share group chats with when were not together. Coffee and convo; get togethers on decks, at potlucks, at celebrations, at after performance parties, at restaurants after classes...and so on.

They're the people who generously offer their time to help me when I have a drumming challenge - or an ear to listen to my life challenges or to share a congratulate a life achievement. Their hearts, minds and arms are open whenever needed.

I found my group, my tribe: Djembe Orchestras of Colorado.

And it HAS changed my life.

#findyourtribe #spendtime #djembe #generous #soultribe

Last updated 2 years ago

Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of the passing of Michael Babatunde Olatunji (April 7, 1927 โ€“ April 6, 2003), the famous Nigerian drummer, educator, social activist, and recording artist.

In addition to advancing and promoting African Drumming around the world, he was also an activist for race equality.

Three years before Rosa Parks' bus boycott, Babatunde protested against racial segregation in the southern states of America. He was part of a generation of those who played an important role in the fight for racial justice in the US.

He sure loved to drum and he was inarguably a true MASTER DJEMBEFOLA. And if you ever got a chance to drum with him, I'm sure it was an experience you'll never forget.

#babatunde #djembefola #inequality #masterdrummer #djembe

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph King · @musicman5464
18 followers · 91 posts · Server

For interested parties, here's some audio I just recorded of me playing my two djembes. I may be selling the second one in the recording, which is a GonBops Fiesta, if I can find a local buyer.

#djembe #audio #drumming

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph King · @musicman5464
18 followers · 90 posts · Server

Just got the replacement . Needless to say, after getting it all tuned up, I'm leaving it where it is. There is no way I'm touching the tuning of that drum again unless absolutely necessary, especially after that whole snapping bolt situation with the last drum.


Last updated 2 years ago

I started reading this article titled "WHEN THE BEAT GOES OFF" which intrigued me as we strive so hard to KEEP THE BEAT so that the beat goes ON!
The first paragraph: "Rhythm pulses inside the brain of a Ghanian drummer, sitting in a physics laboratory in Gottingen, Germany. His hands caress the skin of a bongo drum, guided by the metronomeโ€™s tick through his headphones. He plays for five minutes, filling the sterile lab environment with staccato sounds, as a team of physicists records him, searching for a pattern."
I saw those words "his HANDS caress the skin of A BONGO drum." And my first thought was:

NAH...I bet he was playing a DJEMBE! Because so many people call almost any hand drum a bongo! And then I remembered a meme I had seen which summed it up perfectly - and then I FOUND IT AGAIN and I think it's kinda true!

#djembe #tabla #conga #ashiko #castanets #bongos #drumming

Last updated 2 years ago

What makes a heart beat? Brain sends impulses to autonomic system causing valves to open and close creating heart beat.

How is drum In the heart?
Drumming creates sounds that are llike the BLOOD that's created by the BEATING of the human HEART. Just as the BRAIN initiates the IMPULSES to be sent to the HEART causing it to BEAT, the DRUMMER is the initiator (the BRAIN) of the IMPULSE (impact on drum head) that causes the drum (the HEART) to BEAT! So....


Drumming increases vibrations increasing emotions creating healthy conditions in the body & well being for the human spirit.

Higher vibe+more happines+ improved well being= HEALTHIER PLANET?

Healthy, happy inhabitants take better care of their environment!
So when we PLAY drums, aren't we, in a sense, drumming IN the heart of our first mother...MOTHER EARTH?

#djembe #heartbeat

Last updated 2 years ago

SampleScience Nouveau Djembe WAV [FREE]

Nouveau Djembe is a collection of samples made using a portable djembe hit with a drum stick.

50 one-shots
Recorded in stereo
24-bit 44.1 kHz Wav


9.3 MB of HD space
Software that reads 24-bit WAV files


#collection #djembe #free #samples #samplescience #space #stereo #wav

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph King · @musicman5464
18 followers · 74 posts · Server

For interested parties, here's some audio of my new djembe as captured by my iPhone.

#audio #drumming #djembe #percussion #demo

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph King · @musicman5464
18 followers · 71 posts · Server

Oooooo! My is being processed at the facility and will apparently be delivered today, not on Monday as I had originally thought. *Does another happy dance*

#pearl #toptuned #djembe #ups #newgearday #happy #drums #percussion

Last updated 2 years ago

· @mk30
50 followers · 231 posts · Server

can you spot me in this video?? i'm one of the people playing standing up, in the back.

in the center is our leader & instructor, the legendary bradley simmons: incredible djembe player, conguero, and my inspiration in playing the shekere. i <3 you bradley!!

#drums #djembe #music

Last updated 2 years ago

· @mk30
50 followers · 230 posts · Server

really incredible performance by Aissata Kouyatรฉ & sa compagnie Kobe Na Awati!!!

i used to play similar music to this in a djembe ensemble and those were some of the happiest times in my life! i love drums! :100awoo:

#dance #djembe #music #drums

Last updated 2 years ago

I put these two together because it just make sense!


Last updated 2 years ago

agree. Djembe sharpens all the positives. Brain, dexterity, humor, compassion, vision, joy. sound, sensation, and so on and so on AND...(this is for those of us familiar with our KUKU BRIDGE) SCOOBY DOOBY DOOBY!

#scoobydoo #compassion #vision #joy #sharpen #drumming #djembe #life

Last updated 2 years ago

Great Ted Talk! "A thousand drums at the ready. No one really knew what to expect. Those that thought "I don't have any rhythm in my body" or "not sure if I want to do this" soon found out otherwise.
John entered singing and then proceeded to conduct the audience to hum, clap, drum, sing and generally make a noise.
By removing all dialogue from the show, makes people focus by having to listen and look. The audience had to be in the present moment to connect with what was happening around them and created magic."

#music #drums #sing #magic #rhythm #strangers #djembe #percussion #magickingdom #hum #clapclap

Last updated 2 years ago