Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of the passing of Michael Babatunde Olatunji (April 7, 1927 – April 6, 2003), the famous Nigerian drummer, educator, social activist, and recording artist.

In addition to advancing and promoting African Drumming around the world, he was also an activist for race equality.

Three years before Rosa Parks' bus boycott, Babatunde protested against racial segregation in the southern states of America. He was part of a generation of those who played an important role in the fight for racial justice in the US.

He sure loved to drum and he was inarguably a true MASTER DJEMBEFOLA. And if you ever got a chance to drum with him, I'm sure it was an experience you'll never forget.

#babatunde #djembefola #inequality #masterdrummer #djembe

Last updated 2 years ago