#tunisia #glialtrisiamonoi https://www.glialtrisiamonoi.eu #travel #travelling #africa #djerba #aroundtheworld #videoproductions #videoproduzioni #documentary #documentari #produzionivideo #unpardeframe #television #maghreb #integrazione #cultura
#tunisia #glialtrisiamonoi #travel #travelling #africa #djerba #aroundtheworld #videoproductions #videoproduzioni #documentary #documentari #produzionivideo #unpardeframe #television #maghreb #integrazione #cultura
#Tunisia: @TapNewsAgency received the Best News Item Award in the competition of @AMAN_Alliance, at the closing of its General Meeting Thursday in #Djerba, presented to its reporter Ahmed Gaddeh for his feature story on endangered sea turtles in #Monastir. http://www.tap.info.tn/en/Portal-Top-News-EN/16311689-aman-general
#Tunisia: @TapNewsAgency @AgenceTAP, Thursday, took over the presidency of the @AMAN_Alliance, for a one-year term, from the #Croatian news agency @Agencija_HINA at the 31st session of the General Meeting of AMAN held in #Djerba. http://www.tap.info.tn/en/Portal-Politics/16311297-tap-news-agency
#Tunisia: Empowerment of women in #Mediterranean: #Tunisian vision" was the theme of conference held Wednesday in #Djerba, as part of the 32nd General Meeting of @AMAN_Alliance & led by experts & women's rights advocates. http://www.tap.info.tn/en/Portal-Culture-and-Media/16308737-tunisian-vision-for
#Tunisia #mediterranean #tunisian #djerba
#Tunisia: the 31st General Meeting of the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies @AMAN_Alliance, hosted by @TapNewsAgency started Wednesday in #Djerba, with participation of 15 news agencies; it will see TAP take over AMAN's presidency for 1-year term. http://www.tap.info.tn/en/Portal-Top-News-EN/16307203-aman-31st-general
#Tunisia: @AgenceTAP @TapNewsAgency will take over as president of the Alliance of #Mediterranean News Agencies @AMAN_Alliance at its General Meeting on May 25 in #Djerba, where it will also hold a conference on women’s empowerment in Mediterranean May 24. http://www.tap.info.tn/en/Portal-Politics/16301230-tap-to-take-over
#Tunisia #mediterranean #djerba
#Tunisia: the Dina Preston Band are coming to the country to give free live concerts in #Djerba, #Gafsa, #Kairouan, #Sousse & #Tunis on May 22-27, with #Tunisian artists Houyem Ghattas & Yasser Jeradi, in a tour organised by @usembassytunis & @ECAatState http://www.tap.info.tn/en/Portal-Culture-and-Media/16290949-dina-preston-band
#Tunisia #djerba #gafsa #kairouan #sousse #tunis #tunisian
Et on va avoir la même chanson, y a eu des entrées avec des passeports.. blablabla. Il suffit d'avoir une position officiel public, non ?!
RT @TapNewsAgency
#Tunisia: the annual Jewish pilgrimage to the Ghriba synagogue on the island of #Djerba will take place from May 4 to 9, with visitors number expected to increase 40% over last year, head of the pilgrimage' organising committee Perez Trabelsi said Tuesday. https://bit.ly/3L6R…
#Tunesien #Spätsommer2023: Flüge ab #Paderborn/Lippstadt (#PAD) nach #Djerba #DJE - #Tunesienexplorer.de https://tnsn.de/3jxQEOE
Im Spätsommer 2023 wird es eine Flugverbindung zwischen dem Flughafen Paderborn/Lippstadt (PAD) und Djerba (DJE) geben. Die Verbindung startet am Mittwoch, den 30. August und wird bis zum 1. November 2023 (letzter Rückflug) durchgeführt. Ausführende Fluggesellschaft ist Freebird Europe im Auftrag von TUI.
#tunesienexplorer #dje #djerba #pad #Paderborn #spatsommer2023 #tunesien
Wie lassen sich bei kommunaler #Digitalisierung die Bedürfnisse von #Verwaltung u Bürger*innen verbinden? - Vortrag von @bou_taha@twitter.com. Ihr müsst Euch unbedingt mal austauschen, @StefanKrausTUG@twitter.com. Es gibt schlechtere Ziele für Dienstreisen als #Djerba! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/taha-bouchaddakh-6087b326_ulysseabrfm-activity-7005814395700150272-gckO?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
#digitalisierung #verwaltung #djerba
Im Sommerflugplan 2023 wird #Nouvelair eine Verbindung zwischen #Berlin und #Djerba anbieten. Diese soll am 27. Mai 2023 aufgenommen werden. Derzeit ist geplant, dass ein wöchentlicher Flug durchgeführt wird. Die Durchführung soll jeweils an Samstagen erfolgen.
Auch die Strecke #Tunis-Berlin soll reaktiviert werden. Ab 3. April 2023 sind zwei wöchentliche Umläufe geplant.
#tunis #djerba #berlin #nouvelair
🇹🇳 @douglasmbiandou , initiateur du projet @10000codeurs a participé au 4e Forum économique francophone à #Djerba 💬 Qu'en attendait-il ? Est-il satisfait ? #SommetDjerba2022
La #Suisse nommée vice-présidente du 18e Sommet de la #francophonie à #Djerba https://www.rts.ch/info/suisse/13558074-la-suisse-nommee-vicepresidente-du-18e-sommet-de-la-francophonie.html
François Legault et Justin Trudeau ont eu leur premier tête à tête depuis les élections provinciales du 3 octobre à l’occasion du Sommet de la Francophonie Compte rendu avec @SebBovetSRC https://rc.ca/Sd3YdD #Tunisie #Djerba
#politics #cdnpoli #canpol #polcan #canpoli #sony #sonyphotography #sonya9ii #politicalphotography #trudeau #justintrudeau #francophonie #international #djerba #tunisie
#politics #cdnpoli #canpol #polcan #canpoli #sony #sonyphotography #SonyA9II #politicalphotography #trudeau #justintrudeau #francophonie #international #djerba #tunisie
Session de clôture des travaux du 18ème sommet la Francophonie à Djerba en #Tunisie
#Djerba vaut bien une messe: ou comment un sommet non moins politique, aurait mis à nu la Francophonie devant ses contradictions, avec ses “idéaux de la démocratie et des droits humains”, que la #France aurait beau vantés les mérites depuis la nuit des temps, le Realpolitik de la place du français en Afrique aura raison de sa bataille contre l’hégémonie anglaise. (https://youtube.com/watch?v=qrBhNwfCSnc&feature=share
RT @SKhmira@twitter.com
Police use tear gas to intercept protestors from #Zarzis marching towards #Djerba, host of the @OIFrancophonie@twitter.com summit.
Protestors from Zarzis were planning to march towards Djerba as a protest to being "Neglected" by local Authorities
#protests #tunisia #djerba #Zarzis