Human Right Watch a publié un rapport faisant état du massacre de migrants d'#Ethiopie à la frontière entre le #Yémen et l’#ArabieSaoudite, un rapport que conteste #Riyad.
La répression des migrants éthiopiens n’est pas une nouveauté dans cette région. Alors même que ces migrants ont longtemps été tolérés, constituant une manne de main-d'œuvre bon marché, comment expliquer un tel déferlement de violence ? #Migrations
#djibouti #ethiopie #yemen #arabiesaoudite #riyad #migrations
"In 2023, #Ukraine supplied 80% of the wheat procured to support humanitarian operations in the most #FoodInsecure countries such as #Afghanistan, #Djibouti, #Ethiopia, #Kenya, #Somalia, #Sudan and #Yemen." #UkraineWar #BSGI #GrainCorridor #BlackSea
#Putin is using food as a weapon – but his cynical attempts to drum up forced allies will fail | Joseph Borrell
#putin #Blacksea #graincorridor #bsgi #UkraineWar #yemen #sudan #somalia #kenya #ethiopia #djibouti #afghanistan #foodinsecure #ukraine
🔴 #Etiopia, Aggiornamenti dal #Tigray – 26 Luglio 2023
➡️Smembramento delle forze tigrine come da #CoHA
➡️Situazione sfollati interni in Tigray tra fame e alluvioni
➡️Proteste per fertilizzanti agricoli #ResumeAid4Tigray
#Djibouti #Africa
#etiopia #Tigray #CoHA #resumeaid4tigray #djibouti #africa
Starting the way back home. Smoke in the background of the airport is not very reassuring. #djibouti
La #sécheresse historique qui frappe la Grande #Corne de l' #Afrique est due au #réchauffement climatique, selon une #étude #scientifique.
> L' #Éthiopie, l' #Érythrée, la #Somalie, #Djibouti, le #Kenya et le #Soudan, qui forment cette large #péninsule de l'est du #continent, ont enregistré depuis 2020 cinq saisons des #pluies déficitaires d'affilée. Les conséquences sont dramatiques.
#pluies #continent #peninsule #soudan #kenya #djibouti #somalie #erythree #ethiopie #scientifique #etude #rechauffement #afrique #corne #secheresse
Khat booth by the main road. #djibouti #khat
Will the Gulf of Guinea Ever be Free of Piracy? https://unicornriot.ninja/2023/will-the-gulf-of-guinea-ever-be-free-of-piracy/ #Global #Analysis #Angola #Atlantic_Ocean #Deep_Blue_Project #djibouti #ghana #gulf_of_aden #Gulf_of_Guinea #horn_of_africa #International_trade #kenya #Liberia #Niger_River #nigeria #Piracy #pirates #Somalia #unemployment_rate #Volta_River #Western_Africa #Yemen #Yemen
#global #analysis #angola #atlantic_ocean #deep_blue_project #djibouti #ghana #gulf_of_aden #gulf_of_guinea #horn_of_africa #international_trade #kenya #liberia #niger_river #nigeria #piracy #pirates #somalia #unemployment_rate #volta_river #western_africa #yemen
Djibouti, Djibouti: L'Ile Aux Pizzas | Rating: 4.6 #pizza #djibouti https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=11.6099364%2C43.145983&query_place_id=ChIJQ5WahvAAIxYRI8HZ-J-j-V8
A #Djibouti🇩🇯 1 persona su 3 è a rischio alimentare‼️
Però l'economia di #morte delle #armi è sempre sulla cresta dell'onda per la felicità del premier turco🇹🇷 #Erdogan e la fabbrichetta di famiglia... gli stessi #droni #Bayraktar #TB2 che sono stati utilizzati dal governo etiope 🇪🇹 di Abiy Ahmed Ali per bombardare il popolo del #Tigray uccidendo indiscriminatamente civili adulti e bambini, asili, aree urbane e mercati, auto legittimandosi con la scusa della #guerra contro il #terrorismo‼️
#africa #djibouti #morte #armi #erdogan #droni #Bayraktar #tb2 #Tigray #guerra #terrorismo
Today is Djibouti's national day.
Shake yerbouti, Djibouti!
(You must be of a certain age to get this terrible joke.)
🎶🎶 Groupe RTD – Raga Kaan Ka’Eegtow
📨 Groupe RTD, the national radio band and one of East Africa’s best kept secrets... recorded for their first ever international album. Listen to a world class band, composed of sensational new, young talent backed by old masters, entirely unknown outside the country, whose songs are a liv
Bilan positif pour la mission #DJIVES (@lemarlab #CERD) à Djibouti : inventaire des #algues et des #éponges de #Djibouti réalisées dans le cadre de la thèse @UBO_UnivBrest de Moustapha Nour au LEMAR.
@ird_fr @CNRS @ISblue_school @IUEM_Brest @inee_cnrs
#djives #CERD #algues #eponges #djibouti
Kawahara said he boarded the #SDF plane to #Djibouti after traveling to #PortSudan in the country's northeast from the capital #Khartoum, but he "cannot talk about it because doing so could endanger the lives of Japanese nationals still in the country."
Japanese nonprofit head evacuated from #Sudan hopes peace will return | #Japan
#japan #sudan #khartoum #portsudan #djibouti #sdf
"We are looking at three exit points. One would be from #Khartoum, by land, and exit via Aswan into #Egypt. That’s a land trip. The second one would be by land to #PortSudan and then by ship to #Jeddah. The third one would be by air through #Djibouti in cooperation with the US government, because they have a #US base in Djibouti,” said Migrant Workers Secretary Susan Ople
#Philippines plots land, air, sea exits for #OFWs in conflict-hit #Sudan | #CivilWar
#civilwar #sudan #ofws #philippines #us #djibouti #jeddah #portsudan #egypt #khartoum
RT @JosepBorrellF@twitter.com
Relieved that @EU_Sudan@twitter.com is being safely evacuated from #Sudan.
Grateful to @francediplo@twitter.com & @Armees_Gouv@twitter.com for making this possible, with #Djibouti help. EU Ambassador continues work from Sudan.
We remain committed to silencing the guns and helping all civilians who stayed behind.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JosepBorrellF/status/1650197920044417025
The 3rd plane is a #KC767 aerial refueling plane. The rescue team from #Japan is coming in fully prepared. They're throwing in 370 personnel from the Ground and Air Self-Defense forces.
source: https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20230422/p2g/00m/0in/015000c
"The three planes, including a #C130 and #C2 transport aircraft, will be stationed in #Djibouti, a country in the #HornOfAfrica about 1,200 kilometers southeast of #Khartoum, the capital of #Sudan, while the ministry and #SDF assess the situation.. "
#sdf #sudan #khartoum #hornofafrica #djibouti #c2 #c130 #japan #kc767
RT @AnonOpsSE
Canadian Air Force arriving at #Djibouti.
#djibouti #sudanconflict #sudan
Why the US has a military base in #Djibouti?
US deploys more troops to Djibouti for possible Sudan evacuation | Conflict News |
>US preparing to send additional troops to nearby Djibouti in case an evacuation of Americans from Sudan is needed.
#djibouti #africa #imperialism #capitalism #poverty #civilwar