@richardr I'll have to look for the Hollenberg book - Gillian Hanscombe & Virginia Smyers' work "Writing for their Lives" (1987) did a good job of highlighting the interconnectedness of H.D., Marianne Moore, Djuna Barnes, Amy Lowell, Mina Loy, Sylvia Beach, etc. But their lives definitely could be adapted onto film of some sort (plenty of DRAMA!)
#WritingForTheirLives #GillianHanscombe #VirginiaSmyers #MinaLoy #DjunaBarnes #AmyLowell #SylviaBeach #MarianneMoore #HD #HildaDoolittle
#writingfortheirlives #gillianhanscombe #virginiasmyers #minaloy #djunabarnes #amylowell #sylviabeach #mariannemoore #hd #hildadoolittle
“The pity is the public will demand and find a moral in my book—or worse they may take it in some more serious way, and on the honor of a gentleman, there is not one single serious line in it.”
—James Joyce, born #OTD in 1882 (interviewed and drawn by Djuna Barnes, 1922) #JamesJoyce #DjunaBarnes #Ulysses
#otd #JamesJoyce #djunabarnes #ulysses
Djuna Barnes is so fucking cool, that's all. #djunabarnes #modernism #modernistliterature #experimental
#experimental #modernistliterature #modernism #djunabarnes
And more
#7BooksToKnowMe #7Books
#Harry Crews
#reading #books #fourandtwentyblackbirds #cheriepriest #nocountryforoldmen #cormacmccarthy #thegospelsinger #Harry #clockwithouthands #CarsonMcCullers #themoviegoer #walkerpercy #theviolentbearitaway #flanneryoconnor #lightinaugust #williamfaulkner #nightwood #djunabarnes #7books #7bookstoknowme
Hello. I am a #PhDCandidate in #englishliterature focusing on #bisexuality and #modernism with an interest in #JamesJoyce #DjunaBarnes #VirginiaWoolf #RichardBruceNugent and #KatherineMansfield. I'm also #sober and #vegan . I love #reading and #writing and #strong #black #coffee. Sometimes I genuinely see #DaleCooper from #twinpeaks in the mirror.
#twinpeaks #dalecooper #Coffee #black #strong #Writing #Reading #Vegan #sober #katherinemansfield #richardbrucenugent #VirginiaWoolf #djunabarnes #JamesJoyce #modernism #bisexuality #englishliterature #phdcandidate
Hello. I am a #PhDCandidate in #englishliterature focusing on #bisexuality and #modernism with an interest in #JamesJoyce #DjunaBarnes #VirginiaWoolf #RichardBruceNugent and #KatherineMansfield. I'm also #sober and #vegan . I love #reading and #writing and #strong #black #coffee. Sometimes I genuinely see #DaleCooper from #twinpeaks in the mirror.
#twinpeaks #dalecooper #Coffee #black #strong #Writing #Reading #Vegan #sober #katherinemansfield #richardbrucenugent #VirginiaWoolf #djunabarnes #JamesJoyce #modernism #bisexuality #englishliterature #phdcandidate