An #Aircraft has entered or is near the Dutch airspace.
#ICAO: #3C6515
#Flight: #DLH415
First seen above: #Tielt
Altitude: 39000 ft
Model: Airbus A340 642
Operator: #Lufthansa
From: #IAD Washington Dulles, United States
To: #MUC Munich, Germany
First seen: 2023-07-17 11:14:13
Last seen: 2023-07-17 11:21:48
#aircraft #icao #3c6515 #flight #dlh415 #tielt #lufthansa #iad #muc
#DLH415 2.1miles away @ 37000ft, heading E @ 623.7mi/h, 0 ft/min, at 10:13:22UK #ReallyHigh #FlyingFast #AboveSigingstone #RaspberryPi #ADSB #dump1090
#dlh415 #reallyhigh #flyingfast #abovesigingstone #raspberrypi #adsb #dump1090
#KBOS / #KPVD - #DLH415 (A340 642 A346) Lufthansa @ 37000 ft and 53.4° frm hrzn, heading NE @ 23:34:10 - #AfterHours #WayTheHeckUpThere #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Boston
#kbos #kpvd #dlh415 #afterhours #waytheheckupthere #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #boston
#KBOS / #KPVD - #DLH415 (A340 642 A346) Lufthansa @ 33000 ft and 36.4° frm hrzn, heading NE @ 23:28:59 - #AfterHours #UpInTheClouds #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Boston
#kbos #kpvd #dlh415 #afterhours #upintheclouds #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #boston
#KBOS / #KPVD - #DLH415 (A340 642 A346) Lufthansa @ 37000 ft and 65.8° frm hrzn, heading NE @ 23:26:43 - #AfterHours #WayTheHeckUpThere #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Boston
#kbos #kpvd #dlh415 #afterhours #waytheheckupthere #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #boston