#DestinationLinux turns 300 in podcast weeks!
Michael was stoolless in Europe, Jill's hubby distohops with her, there's another Ryan out there and many more topics in this week's tour de FLOSS
#tuxdigital #dln #podcast #destinationlinux
Destination Linux Podcast gave an extended #SCaLE19x recap and also covered #SteamDeck, Firefox and MC Frontalot
Jill's LinuxChix LA won best booth spirit award at SCaLE
They all enjoyed meeting people in person
eventually they got to the Batman theme song on the command line
join Sunday to watch them record the next episode
#podcast #dln #flossconf #SteamDeck #SCaLE19x
last week Destnation Linux covered the Firefox metadata advertising partnership along with Linux on the desktop and upcoming FLOSS conferences and more
To give you a taste as to what is coming in episode 93 of the #DLNXtend #podcast here is a cut from the #preshow with @MattDLN and @CubicleNate
#DLN #linux #opensource
#opensource #linux #dln #preshow #podcast #DLNXtend
Destination Linux paid homage to distros that have been around from early on
They skipped Yggdrasil Linux :), but covered Slackware, debian, SuSE and RedHat
Apparently Jill is going to start announcing monster truck games, but that makes sense because there's now 33% more Jill in the #DLN store
The also cover upcoming conferences like FOSSDEM, LinuxFest NorthWest, SCaLE and FOSSASIA
#LCA2022 is going on now, https://linux.conf.au/schedule/
33% more Jill finally available!
See the Destination Linux swag store for options
The shirts are even shown with the same exact models as the LCA shirts :)
Great to see FLOSS recycling :)
#lca2022 #dln #flossconf #podcast
Getting ready to record the last #DLNXtend of the year. We are addressing #Linux Noobie Questions from the #DLN Forum so this will be fun. @DestinationLinux @WendyDLN
Sunday #DestinationLinux reminded us that #OLF is Fri and Sat
"Closing Keynote: Linux goes to Mars"
That sounds interesting
The podcast also spent considerable time with Jill's Treasure Hunt calling out mice that call out
Jill will be at SCaLE again with #LinuxChix and Michael might also be at SCaLE in March
#FLOSSpodcast #dln #outtakes #linuxchix #olf #destinationlinux
Catching up on podcasts after a couple of weeks of solid conference work.
Last week #DLN covered origin stories as the #DL hosts covered how they got into Free Software
Not quite a Jill's Treasure Hunt segment, but she does get in some ancient hardware mentions :)
Destination Linux talking about new Firefox improvements in the live show, watch for the podcast to post soon
#privacy #Firefox #destinationlinux #dln
@SeaGL got a mention in the community events on #DestinationLinux podcast :)
We're in the show notes too, most awesome
thanks to the show hosts and @DestinationLinux team for mentioning community events ( they also mentioned Fedora 35 beta testing again )
#dln #SeaGL #flossevent #flossconf #FLOSSpodcast #destinationlinux
Or perhaps it's branded hardware from the #SudoShow ?
Recorded #DLNxtend today using #Ennuicaster so far I'm liking it a lot. Now time to pull them into @tenacity for the editing of episode 75.
#opensource #linux #dln #podcasts #podcast #Ennuicaster #DLNXtend
Hanging out with @CubicleNate and @MattDLN as we get ready to record another episode of #DLNxtend This week we will be discussing this article https://blogs.gnome.org/tbernard/2021/07/13/community-power-4/
What are your thoughts on this?
#linux #podcast #dln #DLNXtend
It is time for our second live recording of #DLNxtend on the @DestinationLinux come join us on YouTube or Twitch.
#dln #linux #podcast
#podcast #linux #dln #DLNXtend
Destination Linux covered Valve's new Steam Deck portable gaming deck running #Arch and #KDEPlasma. They started with Mozilla VPN and other VPNs, then head to #RightToRepair before getting to gaming
Jill pointed out that the open hardware aspect of Right to Repair was crucial for Linus to start creating Linux
It's also prime backstory for the beginning of the Free Software movement due to loss of the right to repair
#dln #podcast #FLOSSpodcast #rtr #RightToRepair #KDEplasma #Arch