Simon Racz · @simonracz
21 followers · 55 posts · Server

New Video about Dynamic Loading



This is mostly for C and C++ devs, although I briefly mention other languages as well.

It's about the dlopen(), dlsym().. APIs and their many use cases.


#linux #c #dlopen #linker #dynamic #loading #Java #android #live #streaming

Last updated 2 years ago

Kushal Das :python: :tor: · @kushal
1799 followers · 3145 posts · Server

I am trying to figure out why can one update a .dylib file to a of a locally built file in a and there is no error related to check on while running..

In this case the culprit is and most probably is doing of that changed dylib.

I thought will stop this.

#symlink #macos #app #signature #apple #application #thunderbird #dlopen #gatekeeper #security #verification

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Kittisopikul · @markkitti
149 followers · 42 posts · Server

The difference is due to the behavior of when given a null pointer for the first argument.

Linux: "If filename is NULL, then the returned handle is for the main program."


Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Kittisopikul · @markkitti
149 followers · 42 posts · Server

I've been looking at the behavior of on and in relation to `ctypes.pythonapi._handle`.

On Linux, this returns a specific handle to look up symbols in the Python executable via `dlsym` even when statically linked to libpython.

On macOS, this returns RTLD_DEFAULT, which can be a bit slow since this searches all mach-o images.

#dlopen #linux #macos

Last updated 2 years ago