Happy 31st Anniversary Disneyland Paris! Thanks for all the magic and joy you have brought and will bring!
Let's have a look at the Grand Opening. #DisneylandParis30 #DLP #DisneylandParis #DLP30 #DLP31
#disneylandparis30 #DLP #DisneylandParis #dlp30 #dlp31
31 years ago, on April 12, after two days of celebrations, Disneyland Paris officially opened its gates! Read more and watch the videos from that day: https://www.traveltothemagic.net/once-upon-a-date-grand-opening-disneyland-paris/ #DLP #DLP30 #DLP31
31 years ago, on April 11, the Disneyland Hotel was dedicated. The day was filled with festivities, including the evening with artists that was broadcast internationally. Read more and watch the videos from that day: https://www.traveltothemagic.net/once-upon-a-date-grand-opening-disneyland-paris/
31 years ago, on April 10, the opening festivities of Disneyland Paris (back than known as Euro Disney) started. Read more about the festivities: https://www.traveltothemagic.net/once-upon-a-date-grand-opening-disneyland-paris/ #DLP #DLP30 #DLP31
TV ad for the #DLP30 Grand finale, showcasing the new Pixar show coming to the studios later this year, and of course It's A Small World! #DLP #DisneyParks https://youtu.be/7WsvqmbwoVQ
As 2022 comes to an end, I made a Disney Year in Review. We experienced so many things that it was hard to fit it in just 200 photos. #DLP30, #D23Expo, #Aulani, #DLR, #DisneyHalloween, #DisneyXmas and more. Thank you friends for experiencing it all with us! 1/3 #HappyNewYear
#dlp30 #d23expo #aulani #dlr #disneyhalloween #disneyxmas #happynewyear
The combination of #DLP30 and the Christmas season is really nicely done! #DLP #DisneyChristmas