For those who were asking about the #interoperability models for #messaging apps @matthew discussed at the #DMAWorkshop a while back, here is a paper by interop skeptics that explains them (and mentions the workshop as an inspiration).
#interoperability #messaging #dmaworkshop
I hope someone at the #DMAWorkshop today is going to bring up the issues I wrote about at @osi last August about making app stores #OpenSource friendly - right now they are talking about FRAND as the solution, which it definitely is not.
Wow so the #Apple lobbyist speaking at the @EU_Commission #DMAWorkshop on #AppStores refuses to answer my question why his company should get to decide what software runs on their devices -- after he spent 15min doing PR blah blah about how #iPhone is the best. 🤦
#apple #dmaworkshop #appstores #iphone
I wrote a bit about my experience in Brussels attending a workshop from the European Commission, in case this interest anyone :) #DMAWorkshop
RT @webmink
Matrix speaker @matthew not only explains the four architectures for messaging #interoperability but then demonstrates one of them bridging WhatsApp and Google Chat via #matrix
Meta speaker next up "is new to all this" and just reads a (1/2)
#dmaworkshop #interoperability #matrix
The workshop has wrapped up. Huge in-person and remote audience shows the great interest in interoperability and the DMA.
I was here because @osi paid me to come - I would not have been here otherwise. If you want more, please consider joining!
It's funny to hear a Meta layers speak about opt-in being a requirement for Whatsapp, but not in the context of data collection but instead when allowing other servers to communicate with them. #DMAWorkshop
Meta lawyer is again reading their prepared statement in a panel on "exploring the technical aspects of interoperability". Basically is is lining up a whole load of reasons to make #interoperability opt-in and to deny requests to interoperate.
Pity they didn't send the people who wrote the statement.
#dmaworkshop #interoperability
Today the European Commission hosts the "The #DMA and #interoperability between messaging services" on the #DigitalMarketsAct.
Nice to read updates here at #DMAWorkshop from @webmink (OSI), @ilumium (EDRi), @matthew (Matrix),
@carlschwan (KDE),
Also present: vzbv, @BERECeuropaeu, Mozilla, Cisco, Facebook, PEReN, @BNetzA, Wire, Paul Rösler.
#dma #interoperability #digitalmarketsact #dmaworkshop
The Cisco speaker notes that we have been seeking interoperable messaging for over 20 years, but fails to note we have had it a couple of times before and then had it broken by gatekeeper platforms abusing their market power...
I have to observe that the stakeholders who only sent a lwyer to this messaging interoperability workshop are clearly indicating their intent by doing so. The people who want to make it work sent people to talk about solutions.
Meta speaker is a lawyer who has just spent his full slot pouring cold water on any approach to messaging #interoperability on every imaginable ground and dismissing all the existing entities running client=side bridges (e.g. iMessage and Matrix).
#dmaworkshop #interoperability
Matrix speaker @matthew not only explains the four architectures for messaging #interoperability and then demonstrates one of them bridging WhatsApp and Google Chat via #matrix
Meta speaker next up "is new to all this" and just reads a prpepared statement.
I wonder what the problem is going to be.... ?
#dmaworkshop #interoperability #matrix
Cisco speaker considers anyone requesting messaging interoperability under DMA art 7 as a "competitor". I wonder if they consider anyone sending an SMS or an e-mail as a competitor as well? Seems this way of thinking is not going to lead to good #interoperability
#dmaworkshop #interoperability
I asked what ability the DMA art 7 offers citizens who run their own messaging servers access to interoperability. Most speakers were confused by the idea of "users with servers" but EDRi's @ilumium noted that there is no minimum size of enterprise entitled to interoperability and it will be a matter of enforcement by @EU_Commission to ensure they are not blocked by gatekeeper bureacracy.
EDRi speaker @ilumium a breath of fresh air explaining the problems blocking messaging interoperability are not a lack of technology or standards but a lack of will by the gatekeeper platforms. Now showing UI mockups of how to do it.
Speaker voicing telecoms industry view believes technical barriers must be overcome to enable messaging interoperability and advocates open standards - without mentioning the need for any used to be royalty-free.