on my previous account, I posted conference coverage for a few meetings (with a mixed number of posts; I do not know how to list just my posts):
- #epiLipidNet https://akademienl.social/tags/epiLipidNet
- #maasosf23 https://akademienl.social/tags/maasosf23
- #srd23 https://akademienl.social/tags/srd23
- #iwomi2023 https://akademienl.social/tags/iwomi2023
- #DMCM2023 https://akademienl.social/tags/DMCM2023
- the #OpenScienceChallenge https://akademienl.social/tags/OpenScienceChallenge
- #NanoInformaTIX https://akademienl.social/tags/NanoInformaTIX
- #BioHackEU22 https://akademienl.social/tags/BioHackEU22
#epilipidnet #maasosf23 #srd23 #iwomi2023 #dmcm2023 #opensciencechallenge #nanoinformatix #biohackeu22
the second #DMCM2023 day has just started. Prof. Chris Evelo (not on Mastodon yet, I think) opens the day with his keynote of where we are with capturing biological knowledge, across the various omes.
Right now a slide on interoperability: when are things similar or even identical. We both have LDLR but there is a good chance your LDLR is different from my LDLR. Sometimes these (small) differences matter (a lot)
I had a #VHP4Safety stakeholder meeting first, but now at the Disease Maps Community meeting in Maastricht
Sad I missed the first three talks. But Marek Ostaszewski's presentation was very interesting #DMCM2023