@jeffrizzo I switched to https://www.passwordstore.org/ years ago. It's a thin layer of glue code (#bash) for #gnupg, #git, and, optionally, #dmenu. Nothing I don't trust in there, nothing I'm not very familiar with. Browser-Plugins and mobile apps (e.g. https://f-droid.org/packages/dev.msfjarvis.aps) available if you need them.
@dnkl Here's a little world clock utility I bit using Fuzzel. It uses a little config file with names you choose and time zones, and allows you to view and filter the times.
Selecting a time doesn't do anything-- the filtering is just useful to eliminate the distraction of all the time zones you don't care about.
Not published currently, but maybe if there's interest!
Un article qui me plaît, avec des scripts à la #dmenu. J'en ai ajusté un pour utiliser fzy à la place de choice et avec awk: https://sgauthier.fr/blog/minimalism_2_choice.html Ma version de g: https://0x0.st/H--I.sh
i cleaned up the comments in my #i3wm config.. ..it currently uses #dmenu by default, with options for various uses of #rofi commented out.. ..after #debian 12 #bookworm is released as "stable", i will make the rofi options the default instead
#i3wm #dmenu #rofi #debian #bookworm
Rustyvibes: https://github.com/KunalBagaria/rustyvibes
My RV + dmenu script: https://github.com/tfkhdyt/dotfiles/blob/main/scripts/rustyvibes-dmenu
#rustyvibes #dmenu #linux #foss #opensource #mechvibes
People that use #suckless software, where do you place its source code anyways?
If you put it anywhere else, please let me know. I am wondering if there is some sort of standard or something...
#AskFedi #AskMastodon #AskFediverse #Linux #DWM #dmenu #st #boostsappreciated
#suckless #askfedi #askmastodon #askfediverse #linux #dwm #dmenu #st #boostsappreciated
My Desktop 2023:
I go with a lovely #sway #wayland #tilingwm setup.
Featuring #qutebrowser #nnn #mpv #newsboat and a wayland-style #dmenu #pass promt integration - in a fully mouseless environment, #keyboardonly 😍
#KeyboardOnly #pass #dmenu #newsboat #mpv #nnn #qutebrowser #tilingwm #wayland #sway
Yes. #xmonad is still being actively developed.
I mainly started using it because I wanted to use something tiny (resource wise) and didn't want to use #dwm. I deal with patching #dmenu. It is easier to maintain something IMO if your just calling functions in rather than handling patches.
Yes. #xmonad is still being actively developed.
I mainly started using it because I wanted to use something tiny (resource wise) and didn't want to use #dwm. I deal with patching #dmenu. It is easier to maintain IMO if your just calling functions in rather than handling patches.
@ljs Again, I've replaced everything around #i3 and related tools but no issues whatsoever. I also had to switch to a #Wayland fork of #rofi - my current #dmenu alternative. #Firefox and #BraveBrowser work out of the box. Besides screen sharing which seems to be a known feature gap in Wayland, everything works out of the box.
#i3 #wayland #rofi #dmenu #firefox #bravebrowser
A simple file manager using dmenu
#dmenu #suckless
[HowTo] Instalación de 'i3wm' en 'RaspBian' o 'RaspBerry Pi OS' vía repositorio oficial #raspbian #raspberry_pi_os #raspios #debian #i3wm #i3status #i3lock #dmenu #window_manager #sistemas_operativos #gnu_linux #linux #escritorio #interfaz_grafico #desktop #gui https://hijosdeinit.gitlab.io/howto_i3wm_raspbian_raspberrypios/
#raspbian #Raspberry_Pi_OS #raspios #debian #i3wm #i3status #i3lock #dmenu #window_manager #sistemas_operativos #gnu_linux #linux #escritorio #interfaz_grafico #desktop #gui
Just learned that there is a #dmenu script for #pass, the Standard Unix Password Manager. How cool is that??
If I get to using my #sxmo #pinephone more often, maybe thing will start coming together for a different kind of convergence. Not limited to the #Ubuntu strain of 'convergence'
#ubuntu #pinephone #sxmo #pass #dmenu
It may not be immediately obvious, but to get browser controls like 'back' and 'refresh' and so on, hit vol down because it is in the #dmenu. How cool is that? A unified control system. This works in most of the apps I've used too.